The Lion King Fanon Wiki

I might not want to be king, but I'm still a prince.
―Kopa on his royal status

Prince Kopa is a member of Kiara's pride. He is the son of King Simba and Queen Nala, the elder brother Queen Kiara and King Kion, the husband of Princess Vitani, the father of Princess Shani and Prince Avito, and the leader of the current Lion Guard.


Kopa is a lean, stocky lion with golden fur, a paler muzzle, underbelly and paws, and a large, flowing black mane. His eyes are teal. The Mark of the Guard is imprinted on his left shoulder in light yellow.


Open-minded | Reliable | Curious | Outgoing | Boastful | Charismatic | Laid-back | Jovial | Intelligent | Optimistic

Ages (human years)[]

  • 5, 18, 23

Birthday and Sign[]

August 25, 1997; Leo


  • His images are created by Av and are used with her permission.