Kiziah is a fan-made character. She is Kovu's and Kiara's firstborn daughter, heir to the throne, and future queen of the Pridelands.
Kiziah has a brownish fur, that mostly resembles her father, but is tempered by the creamy golden fur of her mother. Her eyes are red, and her nose is black, (outlander type one). Her toes (paws) are colored and she has earrims. Her underbelly, paws, and muzzle are like her mother's, and her tail tuft is black.
As a cub, she is tiny and small, but when she grows up, she becomes very large (even larger than rouges) and is one of the pride's best huntresses.
Kiziah has a playful and friendly personality, like her mother, she is stubborn. However, she's a bit crude and agressive like her father, and she is one tough cookie.
Kiziah is born to King Kovu and Queen Kiara, she is the first-born of Kiara's and Kovu's first litter. Of course, she was choosen to be the future queen. Her younger brother, Akia, get's a bit jealous about that, and her other brother, Mosi, doesn't really care.
She took her duties as future ruler very seriously, and she was often called by the other cubs on the pride "daddy's little girl". She often didn't cared about the other cubs who bullied her.
When she becomes queen, she is very responsible and is always making sure that everything is alright on the Pridelands. She then married an unknown male and gave birth to two male cubs.