The Lion King Fanon Wiki

It was a sunny morning at Pride Lands.

Kion decided to persuade Makuu to share water with his watering hole.

He comes to crocodile in case to talk to him.


Initially, the crocodile did not want to.

He said he would not share with other Pride Landers.

- Why should I share? - Makuu asked

- Because, that would be nice of you, - Kion said

- What if I do not agree ? - the crocodile asked

- Makuu ... - at this moment Akina, his mate, is approaching the crocodile, - I think Kion is right. It really will improve your image as a leader of the crocodiles - she add

- Will they think that I am a good leader ? - Makuu asked

- Yes - Akina said - And I would be proud of you if you made this mature decision. - she add

- If so, I agree - Makuu said

- Thank you, Makuu. Other Pride Landers will also be grateful - Kion said and leaves.

- It was a very mature decision - Akina said.
