The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Kion is a minor character in The Lion King: Next Generation Part 1, and is a supporting character in Part 2.


Ever since he lived at the Tree of Life with Rani, his life has changed a lot. He cares a lot for his daughter Kimya and is overprotective of his grandson Bluu, who gets in trouble a lot.


We see little of Kion as a late teenager. From the scenes we see, Kion is smart, caring, but good at arguing. We see more of him as an adult, overprotective of the cubs, but brave and fearless. When an adult Bunga gets stuck, Kion races to his rescue.

Physical Appearance[]

Kion looks a lot like his father, being yellow with a red tail tip and the start of a red mane. He had brown eyes and the Mark of the Night Pride on his left shoulder. His muzzle is light and his nose is dark.

As an adult, Kion has a long red mane.


Kion is seen only once in Part 1. When Giza is born, Kion travels to Pride Rock to meet the three cubs. Kovu got a little snappy and tried to get Kion to go away, and an argument started, which Kiara stopped. Kion, in the end, managed to see the cubs.

In Part 2, Kion has a more prominent role. We see him for the first time in a flashback. When Kion visits Simba in his deathbed, the two share a conversation. Finally, Simba tells Kion to look after his family. Kion leaves back for home.

He comes back later, when Prince Simba leaves for Pride Rock. He talks to his grandsons Bluu and Kitovu. Afterwards, Bunga gets stuck, so Kion saves him, then tells his cubs that when they’re in the Night Pride, they have to do the same. He also tells Kitovu that he needs to try to be more braver, in a calm tone.

He’s finally seen near the end. Kion is walking around the Pride Lands when he sees Simba and some hyenas. He sees Simba walk away, with no fear, and is surprised. He realises that he is ready, at last, for significance as King. He is also friends with Wreed
