The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Kion (Rebbystar's Fanfics)
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Pride Landers
Simba's Pride
Pride Lands
Lion Guard
The Fiercest
Prince of the Pride Lands
Leader of the Lion Guard

Kion is the prince of the Pride Lands and leader of the Lion Guard during Simba and Kiara's reign. He is the son of Simba and Nala, the brother of Kopa and Kiara, the mate of Tiifu, the great nephew of Scar and Zira, (also Zira's adopted son-in-law) the brother-in-law of Vitani and Kovu, the uncle of Dunia, Kidole, Petali, Kono and Chatatu and the father of Haki.


Kion is a large slender lion with; light gold fur, lighter colored paws muzzle and underbelly with brown markings on his legs, brown-tipped ears, a reddish brown nose, fiery-red mane with lighter highlights on the top of it and light brown red eyes.


Kion can be described as: playful, intelligent, adventurous, devoted, calm, level-headed, open-minded, cautious, brave, mature, responsible, selfless, caring, protective, heroic, astute, kind-hearted, loving, sophisticated, strong, prideful (occasionally) and friendly.


Father: Simba

Mother: Nala

Mate: Tiffu

Brother: Kopa

Sister: Kiara

Brother-in-law: Kovu

Sister-in-law: Vitani

Daughter: Haki

Nephews: Dunia, Kidole, Kono & Chatatu

Niece: Petali

Father-in-law: Leo

Mother-in-law: Tama

Grandfathers: Mufasa & Sukumo

Grandmothers: Sarabi & Sarafina

Great Uncle: Scar

Great Grandfathers: Ahadi, Udevu & Utkufu

Great Grandmothers: Uru, Savia & Doka

Great Great Uncle: Madini & Jiwe

Great Great-first-Cosuins: Shaba & Nyama

Great Great Uncles: Hasira & Mwiba

Great Great Aunt: Johari

Great Great Great Grandfathers: Mohatu

Great Great Great Grandmothers: Upole

Great Great Great Great Grandfathers: Kubwa, Kipigo & Kiyma 

Great Great Great Great Grandmothers: Asali, Refu & Anguka

Great Great Great Great Uncle: Ukuu

Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather: Fundo

Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother: Mzee

Great Great Great Great Great Aunts: Kati & Zadi

Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle: Askari

Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother: Mwenzi

Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather: Kifalme

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather: Eneo


  • Kion's name is short for Kiongozi which is Swahili for leader.
  • He had a slight crush on Fuli.
  • Despite not always getting along with Tiifu, he eventually fell in love with her as teens.
  • He was never told about Kopa and was sad when he found out his family had kept many secrets from him but after Kopa, his niece and nephew talked to him, he felt better.
  • He often likes to to talk with his siblings, including Kopa.
  • He did not get along with Kovu or Vitani at first but eventually did.
  • He was overjoyed when Haki was born.
  • He knows how to hunt a little bit.
  • He deeply loves his family and friends and will do anything to keep them safe.
  • He tries to control his roar and feels horrible whenever he cant, but often feels better after family and friends talk to him.
  • Kion and Bunga are still best friends, and use to play games with the cubs and still play themselves sometimes.
  • He always looks up to his grandfather for advice.
  • Kion always wants to make his family and friends proud.
  • Simba never told him about the Outsiders, afraid he go looking for trouble and be found dead like he thought Kopa was and also because he believed they never dare step into his lands again and or never encounter Kion, and asked for forgiveness after he met them, and his son forgave him.
  • He succeeded Scar and Kono is planning to succeed him.