Kion is the son of Simba and Nala, the younger brother of Kiara, uncle of Belee and Denahi. He is also the grandson of Mufasa, Sarabi and Sarafina.
His pelt is golden and his muzzle, paws and underbelly are light yellow.
Kion's ears are bordered with dark brown, his eye colour is light brown
The Mark of the Guard is shown on his left shoulder. On top of his head, he has a small red mane.
He has a few small spots behind his hind leg and his nose is pink.
Kion is warmhearted and understanding. He is also protective towards his loved ones. He is also playful and a carefree lion cub.
Mother- Nala
Father- Simba
Sister- Kiara
Brother- Kopa
Nephew- Denahi and Kenai
Niece- Belee and Kia