The Lion King Fanon Wiki
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EBA's Fanon has been around for a fair bit of time.

However, due to multiple flaws in the story, it's being rewritten.
Updates to the story have officially begun as of September 8th, 2024.
There is no estimate for when the updates will conclude.

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Hevi kabisa!
―Kion's catchphrase.

Kiongozi (AKA: Kion) is a male lion. He is the son of Simba and Nala, the father of Habari, the mate of Rani, and the brother of Kopa and Kiara. He is the former leader of the Lion Guard, former leader of the Night Pride, and former king of the Tree of Life. He currently resides in the Pride Lands.


EBA's Fanon[]

1 - Long Lost Prince[]

Kopa has been missing ever since he ran away from the Pride Lands. Nobody knows where he is, not even me.

Kion assisted 3 foxes who were attacked by Bhaaloo outside the Tree of Life. While Kion was taking a break, Ono informed him that Queen Rani needs help assisting an injured lion into the Tree of Life.

Once Kopa is in the Tree of Life, The Night Pride discuss the bear attacks. Ono spots the bear and Kion chases him away. Once Kion returns to the Tree of Life, Kopa reveals that he is from the Pride Lands, and that his parents are Simba and Nala. After Kion confirms with Mufasa that Kopa is his older brother, Kion promises to escort Kopa home safely after he has healed.

5 - Return of the Guard[]

There's nothing we can do. We have to get everyone out of here, NOW!
―Kion, on the Tree of Life

Kion engaged in a battle with Bhaaloo at the Tree of Life. After succeeding, Ullu warned the Night Pride that the Tree of Life had caught fire. Kion, along with the rest of the Night Pride, rushed inside to try and put the fire out. Later, after returning to the Pride Lands, Vitani made Kion the leader of the Lion Guard. Kion then assigns all members of the Night Pride a position in the Lion Guard. Kion also gifted Rani, who became the second-in-command, the Roar of the Elders.

14 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight[]

Well, I guess if it's ground you want... Then it's ground you'll get.
―Bhaaloo, to Kion

While Kion and the Lion Guard were patrolling, Bhaaloo and Tai pushed Kion off of the top of Mekundu Cliffs. Kion grabbed the cliff wall while falling to slow his speed. Later, Kion awakes and makes Rani the leader of the Lion Guard temporarily.

Nirmala then begins to heal Kion. Kion's injuries are healing much faster than expected. When Bhaaloo discovers Kion is still alive, he confronts Kion.

25 - Bhaaloo the Pride Lander[]

My father told me the same story when I was a cub. I was a little older than you though. On that day, he told me I was the leader of the new Lion Guard.
―Kion, to Habari

After Kion chased Bhaaloo out of the Pride Lands, he hires Nyuni to spy on Bhaaloo. When Nyuni informs Kion of Bhaaloo's plans to attack Kovu, Kion rushes to alert Kovu of the danger. Zazu informs Kion that a vulture is causing chaos, and Kion tells Zazu that it's just Tai causing a distraction. Kion later forgives Bhaaloo for burning down the Tree of Life and for pushing him off a cliff.

Later in the episode, Kion tells his son Habari the story of Scar and his Lion Guard. Kion soon tells Habari that he will soon lead his own Lion Guard. When Habari heads off to choose his members, Rafiki assures him that Habari will make the right choices.

Habari's Guard[]

Episode 1[]

Habari, as you know, you have already selected the members of your Lion Guard. And now, it's time.
―Kion, to Habari

Kion asks Habari to assemble the members of his Lion Guard. Kion then informs his team that they will begin training. Kion explains everyone's important role in the guard; Punda the bravest, Hoja the fastest, Nguvu the strongest, Hurungi the keenest of sight, and Habari the fiercest. Kion then gives each member a Mark of the Guard. Kion and Rani then begin to teach Habari how to use the Roar of the Elders. Habari struggles at first, but eventually gets the hang of it. Later, Kion teaches all of Habari's guard to fight. After Habari's team completes Rani's challenge, Kion steps down as leader of the Lion Guard.


  • Kion's full name is Kiongozi in EBA's Fanon, though he prefers to be called "Kion".
    • Kiongozi is a Swahili word. In English, it means "leader".
    • "Kion" is pronounced "key-own" in Swahili. However, Kion's name is pronounced "kai-on".
      • "Kiongozi" is pronounced "key-own-go-zee" in Swahili.
  • Kion's catchphrase is "hevi kabisa", which is Swahili. In English, it means "totally intense".