The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The relationships of Kion in Caldafox's fanfics. Not all his canon relationships are shown or detailed.


Return-to-the-Pride-Lands (893)

Rani and Kion are loyal mates. They first met when Kion and the Lion Guard came to the Tree of Life seeking recovery. Their relationship started off badly, with Kion sending Rani's brother Baliyo flying, and the Guard and Night Pride fighting one another. With Queen Janna's urging, Rani let Kion and the Guard into the Tree of Life, and was touched by Kion's selflessness when he offered to let Ono go in instead of himself. The two leaders bickered frequently as Makucha and his army attacked the Tree of Life, with Rani not even believing Kion was a good leader. However, the two shared a tender moment when Kion let Rani cry onto his chest as she grieved for Queen Janna's death. They both opened up to each other during Janna's funeral, sharing their fears with one another. Although there was still some tension, Kion tried his best not to upset Rani. After he blasted Makucha and his army away for good with the Roar of the Elders, Rani was impressed, and her and Kion shared a laugh. A little while after this, Rani developed feelings for Kion, and he did with her. They confessed their love in the musical sequence "Of the Same Pride", and Rani proposed to Kion after they finished singing, asking him to be her queen. However, the Lion Guard arrived soon after that, telling Kion they were ready to go back to the Pride Lands. Rani bid Kion an inwardly sad farewell, telling him to remember what she asked.

Kion still thought of Rani after he got home, and confessed his feelings toward her to Kiara. After giving up his position as the Lion Guard leader and the rights to protect the Pride Lands to Vitani and her team, Kion returned to the Tree of Life, knowing his place in the Circle of Life was to be with Rani as her king. They were married at the Tree of Life, Kion's former Guard joining the Night Pride. Both were pleased to be back together, knowing they would rule well together.

Since their marriage, Kion and Rani no longer bicker about who should be in charge, and rule well alongside each other. They are loyal and affectionate mates who will defend each other fiercely when needed.


Simba and Kion

Simba is Kion's father. At first, Simba was reluctant to accept Kion's role as leader of the Lion Guard, as well as his choices for members. He chastised his son harshly, which discouraged Kion. However, he soon put his father's wrong opinion aside and proved his chosen members were in fact good choices for the Guard. Simba put most of his worry behind him after witnessing Kion's Guard rescue Kiara, and accepted his place and choice for Lion Guard members. Kion strived greatly to please his father and feared disappointing or upsetting him. They now have a more trusting relationship since Kion has aged.


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Nala is Kion's mother. Unlike Simba, Nala was more accepting and enthusiastic about Kion's role as leader of the Lion Guard, and supported her son from the start. She cares Kion dearly and trusts him greatly, and the two have a loving and affectionate relationship, Kion being horrified whenever his mother is in trouble.


Kiara is Kion's older sister. They had a fierce sibling rivalry as cubs, often being snarky with each other, and Kiara frequently bossed Kion around. However, as they grew up they became more considerate of each other. They became closer and more caring, but still spunky towards each other at times. Kion opened up to his sister first about his feelings for Rani, and she was pleased to listen to him. She knew that he truly missed her and wanted to be with her. Kiara gladly watched Kion be crowned king of the Tree of Life, and is loving and excited to see her brother anytime he comes to visit the Pride Lands.

Kopa and Kion pic


Kopa is Kion's older brother, whose existence he didn't know about until years after. Kion was very surprised to find out that he had a brother, and was willing to go all the way to the Pride Lands to visit him (but not before putting Bunga, Binga and Baliyo in charge of the Tree of Life). Their first meeting was sort of awkward, with Kopa dismissing his backstory right away, but they soon opened up after Kopa asked Kion about his life story. They became good friends during Kion and Rani's one-week stay at the Pride Lands and are now on friendly terms with one another. Kopa and Vitani's wedding was held at the Tree of Life, Kion and Rani being very glad for the bride and groom.

Teenage Kion and Fuli


Fuli and Kion are good friends. Fuli served as the fastest in Kion's Lion Guard. Kion often trusted the cheetah to be second-in-command for him, and she often took over for him on the journey to the Tree of Life, when the venom in his scar made him edgy. Although Fuli was often moody and rude towards her fellow Guard members, Kion was ever patient with her. They are still well acquainted with this day, and Fuli gladly jumped in to say she would journey to the Pride Lands to meet Kopa as well.


Kion and Bunga

Bunga and Kion are childhood friends, being close since they were infants. They enjoyed playing together as young cubs, and Kion was very patient with Bunga when he drove others crazy. Kion chose Bunga to be the bravest in the Lion Guard right away. Although Bunga thought Kion was turning evil when the venom in his scar made him moody, the honey badger soon felt ashamed of himself and apologized to his friend. They will bravely fight alongside each other and are good friends to this day. Kion trusts Bunga enough to leave him temporarily in charge of the Tree of Life while Kion visits Kopa at the Pride Lands.


Baliyo is Kion's brother-in-law. They first had a bad meeting, both attacking one another and Kion eventually blasting Baliyo away with the Roar of the Elders. However, they slowly got on better terms while the Guard stayed at the Tree of Life, fighting alongside each other against Makucha's army. Baliyo could tell as Kion and Rani developed feelings for each other, and gladly watched as they were married. Kion trusts his brother-in-law enough to leave him temporarily in charge of the Tree of Life while Kion visits Kopa at the Pride Lands.

Kion and Beshte


Beshte and Kion are good friends. Beshte served as the strongest in Kion's Lion Guard. Both care greatly for one another and have been loyal friends. Beshte did not believe that Kion was turning evil when the venom in his scar made him act ferocious, and forgave him easily after Kion snapped on him. They are good friends to this day and never argue.


Ono and Kion are good friends. Ono served as the keenest of sight in Kion's Lion Guard. They almost never argued and were concerned greatly for each other when they would be in danger. Kion was very sad when Ono's sight was damaged, and created the new position of the smartest when Anga replaced Ono's original role, as Kion knew Ono was still a valuable member of the Guard. Ono did not believe Kion was turning evil like Bunga did, Kion offered to let Ono go ahead of him to the Tree of Life instead of himself after apologizing to Rani for the previous mishap that day. They are good friends to this day and care for each other greatly.


Anga and Kion are good friends. Kion made Anga the new keenest of sight after Ono's sight was damaged. When Kion was feeling down, Anga reminded Kion of a fond memory from their childhoods, and helped make him feel better by singing a song with Fuli called, "Remember What Makes You You." Kion was not angry at Anga when she lost against Tazama during the competition between Kion and Vitani's Lion Guards, and they are good friends to this day.

Kion and Nirmala


Nirmala and Kion are good friends. As the Tree of Life's healer, Nirmala assisted Kion in his recovery process, and was very patient with him during the time, even though he was often moody and annoyed. She helped him rediscover good things about himself, and they are now good friends.


Kovu is Kion's brother-in-law. They get along well.

Kion Vitani smile


Vitani is Kion's sister-in-law, by marriage to Kopa and relation to Kovu. At first, they did not get along and were enemies, both fighting for the right to protect the Pride Lands. After going through several rounds of the competition, Kion realized Vitani was the rightful leader of the Guard when she showed such confidence in leading that she did not need the Roar of the Elders. He handed down the position to Vitani and her team, and since then Vitani has respected Kion a lot more, admiring his integrity and skills as a leader.

Yun Mibu[]

Kion and Yun Mibu

Yun Mibu and Kion had a rough start. Kion was in a bad mood when he met the clouded leopard and thus growled at him, scaring Yun Mibu away. The leopard later came back when Kion was hanging from a cliff, and offered to help rescue Kion, risking his life for that of a stranger who had shown his hostility. Kion briefly thanked Yun Mibu after that.

Yun Mibu used to consider Kion "scary", but has since warmed up to him. When he came to the Tree of Life to receive healing from an injured paw, Kion took this as an opportunity to show kindness to the clouded leopard, and apologized for his earlier rudeness years ago. Yun Mibu informed Kion that he had since forgiven him, and now the two are on more friendly terms.
