Kion is a male lion, and the second-born son of Simba and Nala, and the third-born child of them. He is the brother of Kiara and Kopa. He is a prince of the Pridelands, and is the king of the Tree of Life along with his queen, Rani.
He was born and presented as the "second" son of Simba and Nala, he was born a few months after his sister Kiara.
Before becoming the leader of the Lion Guard, Kion witnessed his best friend, Bunga, being attacked by hyenas, and he reflexively used the Roar of the Elders to save him. This prompted his father, Simba, to teach him about the legendary Lion Guard and task him with gathering a team to defend the Pride Lands. Kion appointed each of his friends as a member: Bunga the honey badger as the bravest, Fuli the cheetah as the fastest, Ono the egret as the keenest of sight, and Beshte the hippopotamus as the strongest.
At first, Simba rejected Kion's new team, as none of its members were lions of the pride. Kion lamented his father's decision, during which time he encountered the ghost of his grandfather, Mufasa, who encouraged him to follow his instincts. Kion returned to his friends and gifted them each with the mark of the Lion Guard. Together, the team engaged in their first battle against Janja and his clan, emerging victorious, and Simba, at last, accepted their place as defenders of the Pride Lands.
Later, Kion and the Lion Guard faced a new threat: the revived spirit of Kion's great-uncle Scar, who sought revenge against Simba. The Lion Guard engaged in many battles against an army of Outlanders whom Scar had gathered to execute his plans. During the final battle between the army and the Pride Landers, Scar ordered his cobra minion Ushari to attack Kion, injecting him with snake venom and branding him with the Mark of Evil. Kion then summoned the Great Kings of the Past to judge and defeat Scar, while Bunga defeated Ushari. However, Kion's scar remained, and the venom caused violent mood swings and a loss of control over the Roar. This prompted Kion to leave Pride Rock in search of healing.
Kion journeyed to the Tree of Life, where he met and fell in love with the queen, Rani. After being healed, he returned to the Pride Lands and relinquished the Roar as well as his role as the Lion Guard's leader to Vitani. He then returned to the Tree of Life, where he married Rani and thus became the king.
Later on, during a visit to the Pridelands, Kion found a mysterious lion by the name of Kopa. After talking for a bit, Kion realized that this was his brother that a few animals gossiped about once. He hadn't understood at the time, but they were talking about the disappearance of the child prince. Kion was confused, he wasn't the second-born son, he was the third. "Kopa should be the rightful king, not Kiara", but Simba told him that Kopa would get a place as the leader of the Hunters, a high rank for the king's third son.
Physical Appearance[]
Kion is a light yellow lion, having traits from his paternal grandfather, Mufasa. He has a pale cream underbelly that extends to his jaw and mouth, and a brown nose that used to be pink and outlander shaped.
From infant-hood, he has had a tuft of red and crimson mane on his head. It is in multiple shades, and swoops back like a brand of fire. He has a gold lion guard mark on his shoulder, and spots on both legs.
As he grows into an adult, he gains a bigger muzzle and a bright red mane. His color stays mostly the same, and he keeps the brand of fire tuft at the top of his mane.
Personality Description[]
Kion is a stickler for the rules. Even in the face of temptation, such as when his baobab ball is lost in the Outlands, he heeds the words of his parents and intelligently recognizes the signs of potential danger. This strong sense of responsibility is in part why Kion is so level-headed and less likely to jump into dangerous situations than his best friend, Bunga.
However, despite this more accountable side, Kion still enjoys a good tussle with his friends. He can be careless when it comes to games, as seen when he disrespects his father and sister during their morning lesson with his game of Baobab Ball. Though mature in aspects of obedience and rule-following, Kion is still young and is less confident when dealing with more adult concepts such as romance.
As he grows, Kion becomes much more mature, and is a great leader and king of the Tree of Life with Rani.
Family Members[]
Ahadi (Paternal Great Grandfather)
Uru (Paternal Great Grandmother)
Taka (Paternal Great-Uncle)
Mufasa (Paternal Grandfather)
Sarabi (Paternal Grandmother)
Sarafina (Maternal Grandmother)
Mheetu (Uncle)
Simba (Father)
Nala (Mother)
Kiara (Sister)
Kopa (Brother)
Rani (Mate)
Shani (Niece)
Aisha (Niece)
Chaka (Nephew)
Tiifu (Cousin)
- Kion's name is likely short for "kiongozi," which means "leader" in Swahili.
- Kion's catchphrase "Hevi kabisa!" means "Totally intense!" in Swahili.
- Kion's catchphrase "Hevi kabisa!" means "Totally intense!" in Swahili.
- Kion bears a striking resemblance to his brother, Kopa. Both cubs are male, have golden pelts, and have reddish head tufts.
- Kion's Guard is the first and so far the only Lion Guard to have non-lion members and six members in total.
- Kion is the first leader of the Lion Guard who creates a new position: the smartest.
- Kion is the only lion known to have fought off the influence of the Mark of Evil and remained on the side of good.