The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Hevi kabisa!
―Kion's catchphrase

Kion is a male lion. He is the son of Simba and Nala, the brother of Nguruma and Kiara, and the mate of Mhina.

He is also the leader and fiercest member of the Pride Lands Lion Guard.

He is a main character in Legends of the Lion Guard.



Kion is very similar to his father in many aspects. He has a light golden pelt, colorless paws, and a pale underbelly and muzzle, with scruffier fur on his upper cheeks and the base of his chest. He has a bright red head tuft and a bushy tail-tip that is the same color as his mane. His eyes are dark teal, with dark, thick eyebrows located above them. He possesses a sepia-brown nose and dark brown whiskers, with brown rims along the side of his light red-brown inner ears and black rims along the top. At the base of each of his legs, Kion has numerous spots in a darker shade than his main fur color. His Mark of the Guard is imprinted in reddish-orange on his shoulder. Kion's paw pads are a dull pinkish-brown, and his claws are black.


Kion has grown taller and now has a small mane that wraps around his ears and the top of his chest. He also has two pink dots above his left eye from a cobra bite, and his claws are shown to be bigger and sharper. His Mark of the Guard has also lightened and is now a pale orange.



Kion is not a stickler for the rules, unlike his father, Simba. Even in the face of temptation, he heeds the words of his parents and intelligently recognizes the signs of potential danger. This strong sense of responsibility is in part why Kion is so level-headed and less likely to jump into dangerous situations than his best friend, Bunga. However, despite this more accountable side, Kion still enjoys a good tussle with his friends. Though mature in aspects of obedience and rule-following, Kion is still young and is less confident when dealing with some concepts.

Though not entirely well-versed in the adult sphere, Kion is strong-willed and able to trust his instincts, which is in part due to the gentle guidance of his grandfather, Mufasa. Undoubtedly, he is a cub who follows his heart, even in matters where those he loves oppose him, and is willing to follow the call of duty over pleasing family and friends. His creativity knows no bounds, which is likely due to his straightforward nature and ability to see every side of a situation. Kion, despite wanting to abide by most rules, also enjoys breaking tradition to better augment his position and boost his friends' morality no matter how critical others can be. Even when his ideas are challenged, Kion is steadfast in his beliefs and brave enough to take a stand for what he feels is right.


In his adolescence, Kion grows more mature, willing to forgive, and defiant in his mission to stop all evil. This helps him not give into his anger, even allowing him to forgive his great-uncle, Scar, despite knowing how evil he is and what he did to his grandfather years before he was born. Kion's one and only main fear is that he will give in to his anger and use the Roar for evil, thereby turning him into a power-hungry lion like Scar. His fear intensified after he received a scar of his own, tainted with Ushari's venom. This caused him to doubt himself and lose valuable patience and understanding. He also became hesitant to speak with his grandfather, Mufasa, as he felt he didn't have the right to face him when he was scarred like his murderer.

His fear increased to the point that he lost confidence in leading the Guard without his Roar. Through the encouragement and support of his friends, notably Mhina, Kion finally realized that neither his scar nor the Roar made him who he was; as a result, he regained his confidence as a leader and learned to master the Roar of the Elders, building up his determination and leadership skills again. His feelings started to blossom for Mhina considerably, though he is skeptical of the direction of their relationship; while he wants to be with Mhina, he doesn't want to push him away or want animals to think it is strange that he wants to be mates with someone the same gender as him.



Kion was born to Simba and Nala alongside his twin brother, Nguruma. Later, he'd gain an adopted brother, Vuai. As he was the second-born cub, he was tasked with leading the Lion Guard.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Orphans[]

A Celebration in the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

Team Play[]

The New Heroes[]

Nguruma and the Bully[]

Kion and Nguruma's Birthday[]

An Enemy In Trouble[]

An Unknown Threat[]

A Fragile Hope[]

Brothers' Journey[]

Mhina's Tale[]

Felines on the Run[]

A Wonderful Royal Summit[]

Wildfire Emergency[]

A Remedy for Impatience[]

The Young Leader[]

The Likizo ya Mvua Celebration[]

Babysitters of the Day[]

The Lost Treasure of the South Lands[]

Mahuluti's Mission[]

Stuck in a Blizzard[]

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

An Enjoyable Sleepover[]

Fuli the Babysitter[]

The Story of Mbweha and Reirei[]

A Mother's Day Party![]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Story of the Mwanga Pride[]


Voice Actors[]

  • Max Charles (Infant/Cub/Teenager)
  • Aaron Daniel Jacob (Singing; Adult/Future)