The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Kiburi is a male freshwater crocodile who resides at the Outlands. He is the leader of his float. He was formerly a member of Scar’s Army. He used to live at the Pridelands, until King Simba banished him and his float from the Pridelands for being a follower of Scar.


Kiburi has green scales and yellow eyes. His under jaw and his underbelly is a lime green colour. His spikes are a darker shade of green. He also has dark green markings on his face and his back. He has two black stripes under his snout.


Kiburi is an arrogant and egotistical crocodile who believes that violence is the solution to every problem and who dislikes the notions of sharing and compromises, much like Makuu did before becoming a responsible leader. Kiburi is also very disrespectful and ill-mannered of Makuu's authority, just like Makuu did not respect the authority of the previous crocodile leader, Pua. Unlike Makuu, Kiburi is shown to be foolhardy and overconfident to the point where he fails to think things through, as shown when he challenges Makuu to a Mashindaro and tries to assassinate Simba, only to have both backfire on him and end up with him not only banished from the float by Makuu, but also from the Pride Lands by Simba. He also appreciates the intellect of others like Ushari. Kiburi seems to have a resentment for Simba, refusing to listen to him and is quick to turn to assassinate him when the notion is suggested to him. He is also far more power-hungry than Makuu, who simply wanted to be the leader of the float and tried to take over only the watery areas of the Pridelands before he reformed.

As shown in the episodes The Little Guy and The Kilio Valley Fire, Kiburi doesn't like singing (which is ironic considering the fact that he’s voiced by a well-known singer and rapper).

After Scar is defeated and Jasiri is assigned to rule over the Outlands, Kiburi accepts this, but claims that he and his float can fend for themselves.


-His name means "Arrogance" in Swahili.

-Despite being voiced by a famous rapper, in The Lion Guard, Kiburi never sings whenever given an opportunity. This is likely done to avoid potential legal disputes with Disney and Common's record label.
