Kiara is one of the characters of the upcoming fanfiction: Lion Guard Rewritten. She is the future queen of the Pride Lands, Simba's and Nala's only daughter and middle child, Kopa's younger sister, and Kion's older sister and Kovu's fiancé.
Early Life[]
She was born around half a year after Kopa, who watched her birth and was the first after her parents and Rafiki to nuzzle her.
Тhe Pride Landers return to the Pride Lands for the presentation of Simba and Nala's newborn cub; Kiara, who is presented to the Pride Lands by Rafiki in a similar fashion to Simba's and Kopa's presentation.
Physical Appearance[]
Kitten, Cub[]
Kiara is small and soft-featured, less robust and stocky than her father but just as lithe and sleek as her mother. Kiara's pelt is of a more peach tone, like that of her father's, but it is tempered by the creamy hues of her mother. As a result, she doesn't carry as rich gold as her father's or grandfather's. Her muzzle, paws, and underbelly are cream in color, while her tail tuft is creamy brown. Her eyes are reddish-brown.
Teenager, Young Adult[]
Kiara remains the same light shade from her cubhood, not darkening with age as her parents did, though this could be attributed to her not being a full-grown adult yet.
As a cub, Kiara is curious and wild-hearted, constantly seeking new adventures and easily fraught at the sight of her safe nest back home in the Pride Lands. Her hunger for adventure often leads her to outright rebellion, as she ignored her father‘s better judgment in order to explore the Outlands and get answers to her unresolved questions. Kiara inherits her parents' curiosity and her curiosity in her surroundings has gotten her into real trouble.
Later in her childhood, Kiara became more accepting of her destiny as the future queen and began to take her royal duties seriously. Sometimes her duties would lead Kiara to rub it on her younger brother Kion’s face, which leads into a fight, though they still care for each other.
Kiara is also very strong-willed, and she possesses a strong desire for independence and self-sufficiency. She can escape and sneak out at times to reach her goal. She also displayed frequent annoyance when addressed by her title preferring to be known for who she herself is rather than who her family is.
Kiara is still a child at heart, able to laugh at everything, and make even Kovu's rough training into a game. Her outlook is a positive one, and she is one of Kovu's most loyal encouragers, seeing past his rough exterior to the kind character within. She also showed a strong amount of charisma as she convinced both points of pride that they are better united than against each other. She also cares for her enemies, as shown when she tries to rescue Zira from falling down the cliff even though she tried to kill Simba just a few moments earlier.
Like her father, Kiara sometimes doesn't get the advice and criticism she is given by her friends and family right away, also she had to find out the hard way. In addition, Kiara does get what her friends and family meant when she hears or sees it for herself, shown when Kovu shows her their reflection in the water and saying that they are one which helped her see the truth in her father, Simba, words when she was a cub. Also, Kiara uses the same advice she was given to help her family, shown with her father, or others, shown with the outsiders.
Kiara and her father Simba are shown to have a loving father-daughter relationship. Although she won't admit it, she loves being "Daddy's Little Girl", as Kovu once called her. Some point after that fateful day whereby she met Kovu, Kiara became more accepting of her destiny as the Pride Lands' future Monarch. Simba taught her the importance of family, unity, and destiny in their father-daughter duet song, We are One. She now enjoys learning about the importance of ruling from him and is determined to be a great Monarch when her time comes. She is in a unique position whereupon she is the first female cub to inherit Pride Rock and will assume the throne as the Pride Lands' first queen regnant (at least the first to do so in several generations). While she looks forward to becoming queen, deep down, she will always be "Daddy's little Princess." She loves her father deeply and becomes worried when he is hurt, as seen when she stays by his side the whole day when he is sick.
Years later, Kiara convinces Simba to accept Kovu and the Outsiders, into the Pride Lands, and Simba gives Kiara and Kovu their blessing to marry, and they soon become Simba's successors to Pride Rock.
The two are shown to have a loving mother-daughter relationship, and Kiara enjoys learning about the importance of hunting and tracking from her. She trusts her daughter completely and, unlike Simba, lets her do things on her own. Nala always worries for her daughter whenever she's in danger, and has faith in her, knowing she can and will be a good future queen.
Kiara and her older brother share
Kiara and her younger brother Kion have a typical, yet loving sibling relationship. Although the two squabble occasionally and don't always see eye to eye, they do hold affection for each other but are prone to sibling rivalry occasionally. Sometimes they'll have a "sibling fight" where they end up tackling each other. Over the course of the series, they appear to be on better terms with each other. In Chapter: The Trail to Udugu, Kion, and Kiara learn to work together to find their mother, Nala.
The two briefly play with each other and work together well in Chapter: Underground Adventure. She also sees Kion's duties as Lion Guard leader more important than ever, now that Scar has returned and became annoyed when her brother was called for a minor emergency.
Kiara becomes concerned for her younger brother when he gets bitten by Ushari during the final battle against Scar in Battle for the Pride Lands. When she learns that Kion can seek help at the Tree of Life, Kiara and her parents wish for his safe return. In Chapter: Return to the Pride Lands Kiara and Kion talk about Rani and how Kion misses her. Kiara says that maybe Kion can go back to the Tree of Life one day.
- Kiara is the first female cub in her family set to inherit the throne of the Pride Lands, as her father was an only child making him the only heir, and all of her predecessors to the throne had been male heirs.