The Lion King Fanon Wiki

“The mighty hunter has cornered her prey.” -one of SuperTapirWoman’s favorite lines that Kiara said.

Kiara is a adult female lioness who is the heir to Simba. She is the daughter of Nala and Simba, sister of Kopa and Kion, mate of Kovu, the mother of Chimba, Ani, and Leah, and the aunt of Ari and Aagney. Kiara currently resides in Pride Rock with her family. She is a secondary character in The Lion King: The Next Generation.



Kiara had yellowish-tan fur, but much duller then her current appearance. She also had a pale tan underbelly, chin, and paws. Her ears were rounder then usual. Kiara had a dark pink nose and brown inside ears.


As Kiara grew older, her yellowish-tan fur lightened up, and the inside of her ears became dark pink.


As a adult\teenager, she looked a lot like her cub appearance, expect bigger and more muscular. Kiara also has grown more fur.


As a cub, Kiara was often danger-seeking, adventurous, and usually ran away without permission, much to her father’s displeasure. Despite this, she was confident, headstrong and made friends easily. Speaking of making friends easily, Kiara always attempted, sometimes succeeding, to make friends with Outsiders, which angered her father.

As Kiara grew, she also was more mature. Focusing more, her dream to become a great hunter grew. She still had her feisty, defensive, and adventurous attitude. After reaching adulthood, she is more confident and less feisty. Kiara obeys orders and tries to be the best heir she can. She is more friendly and fun-loving.


Infant years[]

Kiara was born to Nala and Simba a few years after Kopa’s birth. Little did they know, Kopa would have to run away from Pride Rock in order to be safe from Zira. Upset, her parents were rather protective of Kiara and barely even let her outside. Kiara has a imprint of Kopa’s face in her brain, remembering the fun times they had before he ran away. Kiara doesn’t remember her first brother’s name.


Kiara often ran off as a cub, and didn’t listen to lessons. In one of her adventures, she encountered Kovu, which she befriended. After the small yet exciting adventure they had, Zira separated Kovu from Kiara, Simba separating Kiara from Kovu. He thought Zira was going to kill her just like Kopa. Kiara was forbidden from meeting outsiders. Her brother Kion was born during her cub years. She also befriended Tiifu and Kazi.


Kiara was strict and orderly, however, still adventurous as a teenager. She tried to be a good role model, even though she hated Kion following him. Her friends and her formed a gang, they called it “Kiara’s Pride”. Kiara was slightly favorited by Simba. One day, as Kion was now a cub, Kiara was trapped by hyenas during a hunt. Kion used his Roar Of The Elders to free her. A few months after, the Battle Of The Pridelands started and Kiara hesitated to join the battle.


After the Battle Of The Pridelands, it was Kovu’s time to strike. Another war started, but Kiara and Kovu secretly rebelled. Falling in love in the process, Simba went to find Kiara and was fed up with Kovu. The war took a quick break, and very few lions were fighting. Kovu was temporarily accepted into Simba’s Pride and Kiara was happier then a hyena getting a whole adult elephant for dinner and not being punished for it. Kiara was taught how to hunt by Kovu. After a ambush, Simba, believed for Kovu to start it, and Kovu having the mark of evil, banished Kovu. Kiara was upset and had a fight with her father. Kiara eventually defeated Zira (mostly on accident), and Kovu was officially accepted into Simba’s Pride. The war ended.

Kiara became Kovu’s mate and had three lion cubs. She currently resides in Pride Rock with her cubs.


  • She is believed to be Kach’s enemy.

