The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Kheri approached Nuka II and Majuto, who were clearly occupied wrestling and laughing together. They didn't even notice him until a few minutes later.

"Oh, hi Kheri!" Majuto said, rolling to her feet. "How long have you been standing there?" Nuka II asked.

Kheri and Nujuto

"That doesn't matter," Kheri answered. He started, "Look guys, the reason I came over here was... to ask you if you'd like to join my L-Lion Guard."

"Your Lion Guard?" Majuto prodded curiously. "But what about my mom's?" Nuka II added.

"That one will still be around." Kheri told them. "My Mom had this idea I could have a Junior Lion Guard for practice when I'm older. I sorta thought you two could be the bravest and the strongest."

"Us?" Nuka II and Majuto said at once. Kheri's cousin turned to his friend and said, "Well, you've always been the most bold of the cubs we play with."

"And you've always been the strong one," Majuto told him, with a flustered smile.

"So, you're in?" Kheri asked hopefully. "Sure!" The two cubs said.

The trio left the area and began scanning the pride for a keenest of sight. "My sister has pretty good eyesight." Nuka II suggested.

"Then let's try and find her," Majuto said. "If that's alright with you, Kheri."

Kheri nodded. "I see her up ahead."

Safiya was on a rock cleaning her paws. The three cubs ran up to her.

