Kesho is a male cheetah. He is the mate of Fila, the father of Fuli, Nane, and Nyeupe, and a member of Fila's Coalition.
Kesho's pelt is golden, while his muzzle and underbelly are paler in color. He has dark brown markings all over his body. His ears are rimmed with brown, and his eyes are brown.
Kesho is described as kindhearted and affectionate. He is also very amicable and open-minded.
Kesho was originally born in Leopon Plains. He eventually met Fila, and they became mates, having Fuli, Nane, and Nyeupe together. They soon moved to the Pride Lands.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]
The Pride Lands Games[]
Kesho, with the rest of Fila's Coalition, attends the Pride Lands Games.
Kion and Nguruma's Birthday[]
Kesho attends Kion and Nguruma's birthday celebration.
Wildfire Emergency[]
Kesho and his coalition are caught in a massive wildfire at Mbali Fields, and fearing for her family, Fuli speeds there with Beshte trailing after her. Once the rest of the Lion Guard and additional Pride Landers arrive, Fuli frantically reveals that her siblings are injured and her parents are lost, begging for help. As Zito scans Mbali Fields, he sees Fuli rescuing her parents, who are both injured - in Kesho's case, he is covered with ash and has a bloody paw from a wrenched claw. After the fires are put out, he gets treatment at Rafiki's Tree.
The Likizo ya Mvua Celebration[]
The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]
Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]
Fuli states that her parents want her to join them on a hunt. After defeating Janja's Clan, Fuli leaves to hunt with her parents. When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Kesho is one of the many animals that is gathered at the base of Pride Rock.
Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]
Kesho is one of the many animals gathered at Pride Rock when the Lion Guard departs for the Tree of Life. After the Lion Guard, Makini, and Nguruma return home, Kesho is apart of the crowd that gathers at the base of Pride Rock and later embraces Fuli and Azaad when they arrive at Mbali Fields, notably approving of Azaad.
- Kesho is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.