Kenge is a male monitor lizard who resides at the Outlands. He is a former member of Scar’s Army.
Kenge has murky green scales with the patterning of two shades of the same colour. He has red eyes with a golden middle. His tongue is purple.
Kenge has been described as having an "intimidating, ferocious nature". Much like Makuu before he reformed, he does not take orders from anyone, and will quickly assert himself as the leader. He suffers from a severe Napoleon complex and reacts with severe rage at being called little in any way or even to the sound of the word little. Although he will work with others to achieve a goal, he will not befriend his teammates and prefers to get down to business quickly. Kenge has a very short temper, and resorts to violence very quickly. He is very confident in his abilities and will happily challenge anyone. Like Kiburi, he is ruthless as he viciously attacked zebras and gazelles and then bit Fuli, Kion, and Beshte even though they confronted him. He is shown to be cunning, namely when he attacks the Pride Landers just to lure the Lion Guard so he can bite them.
-His name means "Monitor Lizard" in Swahili.