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Kenene is a female mandrill. She is the older daughter of Fikiri and Kitendo, the sister of Xolani and Makini, and the current Royal Mjuzi for Jivin and Maya.
She is a supporting character in Legends of the Lion Guard.
Kenene's pelt is gray, while her underbelly is paler in color. Her mane is brown. Her eyes are pale blue.
Like her sister, Makini, Kenene is very cheerful, bubbly, quirky, and talkative. Kenene treats others animals with respect. However, she will not hold back when fighting an enemy and she will figure her way out of situations.
Kenene was born in the Pride Lands as the oldest daughter of Fikiri and Kitendo, and the older sister of Xolani and Makini. At her birth, Kenene was chosen by the Spirits of the Past to be the next Royal Mjuzi of the Tree of Life. She formed a close bond with her younger siblings, and is shown to be deeply idolized by her sister. As a child, Fikiri and Kitendo brought Kenene to the Tree of Life to see her uncle, Rafiki, and meet Janna, the Dowager Queen of the Tree of Life. Having been informed of Kenene's choosing by Rafiki, Janna inspected Kenene, and agreed to take in Kenene as the Tree of Life's next Royal Mjuzi after Salamu upon Kenene completing her training with Rafiki. Soon afterwards, Kenene moved to the Tree of Life, and took on the position of the next royal mjuzi of the Tree of Life. When Kenene's younger sister, Makini, was a child, she too was brought to the Tree of Life, where Rafiki took her on as his own apprentice to be trained as the next Pride Lands Royal Mjuzi.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]
A Celebration in the Pride Lands[]
Kenene attends the Kupatana celebration.
The Pride Lands Games[]
Kenene greets Makini at the watering hole, and they return to Pride Rock, where they discuss the Pride Lands Games. The next day, she competes in the games, going fifth for the Tree of Life, and is constantly cheered on by an ecstatic Makini. Kenene earns three points in the stone throw, and six points in the stick toss. When Okereke deliberately injures Bunga in the wrestling challenge, Kenene, her sister and uncle, and Kumbutana immediately rush onto the scene with medicinal supplies. She helps Rafiki lift Bunga onto Beshte's back.
Team Play[]
Kion indirectly mentions Kenene when he says that he's glad the Mjuzis managed to heal Bunga's leg.
Kion and Nguruma's Birthday[]
Kenene attends Kion and Nguruma's birthday celebration.
A Fragile Hope[]
Kenene and Nirmala have requested help from various healers to treat Jivin. When groups from the Pride Lands and Leopon Plains arrive at the Mountain Pass, Kenene and Ullu greet them, and Kenene explains that the herb store is low. She leads them inside the Tree, where Maya thanks them for arriving. The Mjuzis and other healers get to work, and Kenene and Anika pour a mixture down Jivin's throat. When Makini goes off to get wet moss, Kenene assigns her apprentice, Umhlaba, to go with her. She asks Rafiki if he can apply a poultice to Jivin, and he replies of course. After Kamaria confirms to her that she has the herbs, Kenene unwraps them, pours it into a mixture, and gives it to Jivin. Soon, she suddenly announces that Jivin is breathing much better and will make a full recovery. As everyone settles down for the night, she stays up to look after the sick king. The next day, she embraces Makini tightly and declares that she loves her.
A Wonderful Royal Summit[]
Kenene attends the Royal Summit.
The Likizo ya Mvua Celebration[]
A Mother's Day Party![]
Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]
Anga reports that Kenene and a party from the Tree of Life is at the watering hole, and the Lion Guard heads there, taking them to Pride Rock. There, Makini embraces Kenene tightly, and they head inside the den, settling down in a mossy nest. She hears that Makini learned about a rare herb called the Blazing Star, and Kenene chuckles, revealing that Rafiki taught her about that herb as well. She then expresses her pride in Makini for training as Rafiki's apprentice, ruffling her mane and reassuring her that she'll be an excellent Mjuzi. Soon, Kenene and her party head outside the den, and she nods when Jivin asks if they're ready to go home. Makini embraces her for the final time, and she is told to give her love to Xolani and her parents. Makini says that she will, and watches as Kenene leaves. Later, as part of the Tree of Life delegation, Kenene arrives in the Pride Lands in order to hear urgent news from Simba, who wishes to have them escorted to Pride Rock. Kion and the Lion Guard take them to Pride Rock, and Simba leads then inside the den to discuss. Unbeknownst to them, Shupavu and Njano have reported their presence to Scar, who deems the news interesting. When Simba confesses that Scar has returned, the delegations are shocked and share glances with one another.
Later, Kenene is one of the animals gathered outside the Tree of Life to hear Jivin's news that Scar has returned. When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Kenene is one of the many animals gathered at the base of Pride Rock. After Ayana is rescued from Reth's Pride, Fuli instructs Anga to fetch herbs to treat her shock, adding that Makini or Kenene can show her which ones she needs. Just a short time later, Kenene and Makini are preparing bundles of herbs and moss when Tatu and Kicheko bring Mhina to Flat Ridge Rock. They guide Mhina to a mossy nest, then sort through the herb bundles. Kenene brings a poultice to Rafiki, and he thanks her. Following Scar's defeat, Rafiki mentions that Kion can go to the Tree of Life to receive healing from Kenene and Nirmala. Upon hearing that, Ono believes that they can heal them too, and wishes to also go to the Tree.
Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]
Kiara promises Kion that Kenene and Nirmala will heal him. The next day, while on the way to the Tree of Life, Makini recalls Kenene telling her that it is a place where animals go to be safe. She expresses her excitement about sharing what Kenene has told her. When the Lion Guard arrives at the Tree of Life, Kenene is inside the Tree itself. After Rani takes the Lion Guard on a tour of the Tree, Janna invites Makini to stay with her and Kenene, and the latter confirms this. Makini and Nguruma move closer to her and Janna, and Kenene asks Makini how her training is going, to which she excitedly replies that Rafiki has taught her so much. Her sister then questions if she'd like to continue her training here, but before Kenene can finish her sentence, Makini agrees. The next day, Kenene and Makini lay leaf poultices over Ono's eyes so Janna can heal him. Once the patrol and Kion and Nirmala leave, Makini asks Kenene what they're going to do today, and her sister informs her that she'll learn of the herbs and legends of the Tree of Life. Janna suggests talking about Salamu, the old Mjuzi, and Kenene adds that the cave paintings she left behind taught her about the Tree's herbs. Makini questions if this includes the Blazing Star, which she confirms. Later, Kenene informs Makini that they will be learning about Askari, guiding her and Umhlaba to a cave painting. She activates it with her staff, showing Askari destroying a boulder with the Roar of the Elders.
From a distance away, Janna tells Nguruma that Kenene is showing a cave painting of Askari. Kenene asks Nguruma if he can hear her, and he nods, allowing her to proceed. She explains that Askari discovered the Roar of the Elders at Cikha Escarpment, and after that, he'd train there until he would master it completely. Makini comments that he's legendary, and her sister agrees. Makini hugs her tightly, excited to have the opportunity to learn from her, and pleased, Kenene says that she is honored to teach her while she's here. Shortly after, Kion tells Nirmala that the tuliza she and Kenene gave him is helping his scar. Meanwhile, in Leopon Plains, Ayo comments that Kenene and Nirmala are gifted healers. Back in the Pride Lands, Simba reassures Nala that Kenene and Nirmala are talented healers when she worries about Kion. Later, Kenene informs Makini that they'll be learning about how the Tree of Life was founded. In her part of the story, Kenene explains that Salamu traveled to the Tree of Life, where Bahan received a sign that she would become the first Royal Mjuzi of the Tree of Life. Today, Salamu is widely regarded for her expansive knowledge on herbs, having chronicled such knowledge through cave paintings to teach them to her successors. Shortly thereafter, Kenene tells Makini, Nguruma, and Umhlaba that they'll be learning about the mystical herbs that grow at the Tree of Life, and Janna explains that some, like tormentil and ragweed, can only be found within this territory.
Makini, amazed, comments that the herbs sound exciting and that she can't wait to learn about them, and Kenene offers to show her the Blazing Star, which she accepts happily - as Rafiki told her that the herb had died out in the Pride Lands. She promises to take Makini to it soon, and when Nguruma and Umhlaba ask to see the plant as well, she agrees to take them. A day later, Janna and Kenene gather everyone outside the Tree of Life, deciding to take them to see the Blazing Star, and ecstatic, Makini asks if this is true. Kenene confirms this and Umhlaba questions if it's far from the Tree, to which she replies that she needs to wait and see. Makini attempts to nudge him onto his paws. However, he suddenly does it without her help and bounds up to Janna eagerly, baffling her, as he had usually required assistance beforehand to stand. Shrugging it off as excited behavior, she walks alongside her sister. As she walks, Janna comments that it feels nice to stretch her legs, though Kenene begs her not to overdo it due to her age, and she assures her that she doesn't have any reason to worry - she may be old, but her age will not slow her down and prevent her from doing her duty. They trek through a muddy field, and Makini moves to Nguruma's side, not wanting him to slip in the mud. She accidentally ends up getting in his way, annoying him, and his behavior leaves Makini deeply appalled.
Perturbed, she catches up with the others, and sensing that she is upset, Kenene prompts her on what's wrong. Her sister denies that anything is of the sort, though when she is prompted again, she points to Nguruma. Kenene advises Makini to not worry about him so much; he's older now and knows what he is doing, holding her palm. Despite her words, Makini is still doubtful, hoping that Nguruma won't get himself hurt, and Kenene encourages her to enjoy the day and weather. Changing the topic, Makini asks if Rafiki will want to hear about the Blazing Star, and her sister agrees, knowing that he likes details for stories and cave paintings. She thinks she can paint the Blazing Star for him when she gets back home, and turning around, Umhlaba expresses her desire to see it. Shortly afterward, the group arrives at Pratibimba, and Makini exclaims that they're here. Kenene explains that Pratibimba is where anyone comes to reflect or esecape reality and that the Blazing Star isn't far from here. Janna says that Kenene is right, telling everyone to follow her to a secluded area. Makini, seeing that Nguruma is too close to the lakeshore, tries to stop him from moving closer, instead drenching them both in lake water. Sighing, Kenene tells Makini that she needs to stop worrying about Nguruma. Janna leads the group to the Blazing Star, and using her staff, Kenene pulls away a thicket of vines, revealing the sacred plant. Makini says that it's pretty, with Umhlaba adding that it's remarkable, both kneeling to examine the flower.
Makini attempts to touch one of the petals, but Kenene pulls her hand back, warning her that the Blazing Star can be destroyed even with the slightest of tampering. Embarrassed, she puts her head in her palms, glancing around at the group. Umhlaba, attempting to pluck lichen off of a tree, asks Kenene if it can be used for healing, and she shouts at her to settle down. Placing a palm on her shoulder, she states that lichen can be used for nests, but doesn't heal any form of ailments. After Makini collides with Nguruma in an effort to save him from fire ants, Kenene demands what's going on in shock. Nguruma, enraged by Makini constantly getting under his fur, snaps that he wants to be alone and rushes off, leaving Makini heartbroken on the ground. Janna soothes her by saying her heart was in the right place, and rubbing away her tears, Makini admits that all she wanted to do was help him, not wanting him to injure himself. Kenene replies that she might be placing too little faith in him - he's not a cub anymore, and while he still values their friendship, she's also getting in his way - which is why he's so irritated with her. With more encouragement from Janna and Umhlaba, the latter of which mentioning how she turns to her mentor for advice, Makini thanks them and heads to Pratibimba to find Nguruma, sharing a parting glance with her sister.
That night, Janna and Kenene lead Makini, Umhlaba, and Nguruma back inside the Tree of Life, where they settle down. Makini asks where everyone is, and Kenene notes that they're on the evening patrol and will be back soon. Janna offers to tell the story of when Askari put out a fire at the Tree of Life, and Kenene says that even she doesn't know how that happened, only seeing the cave paintings left behind by Salamu describing it. The younger ones settle down, and upon seeing her sister relax, she warmly tells Janna that they're ready. Makini comments that it's exciting, to which Umhlaba mentions the cave paintings shown to her of Askari by Kenene. When Janna describes how animals fought over a drought at the Tree, Kenene motions for everyone to look over at her as she activates a cave painting with her staff, illustrating wild dogs, red pandas, and tasmanian tigers surrounding a dry river. Once Janna finishes the story, Kenene points out to her that Makini, Umhlaba, and Nguruma have fallen asleep, and she assures her that she can always retell the story another time. The next day, Kenene, Umhlaba, and Nguruma are mentioned by Janna to have gone out foraging for herbs, but they later return. When Ullu brings Orji inside the den, Kenene emerges from behind the bramble clump and points her staff at him, protecting Makini and Umhlaba as the leopard explains why he is here. Kenene relates to his weather-related delay of getting to the Tree sooner, questioning if he knows what kind of animals Makucha, his brother, wanted to attack.
Shortly afterward, when members of the Night Pride rush inside the den, Kenene emerges from the brambles along with Makini and Umhlaba. After the battle with the predators ends and the boulder blocking the entrance to the Tree is destroyed, Kenene, Makini, and Umhlaba lead Kingiza and Rani inside to tend to their wounds. Weeks later, the Lion Guard, healed of all of their injuries, emerges from the Tree of Life with Makini and Nguruma, preparing to return home. It is noted that Makini spent most of her time continuing her training and learning tales from the past. She approaches Kenene and hugs her, and in turn, Kenene ruffles her mane. She states that it's been wonderful to see her advance in her Royal Mjuzi abilities, and certain that she's phenomenal, she tells her to keep shining - and soon, she'll be able to visit her again. Makini exclaims that's she learned so much and saw the Blazing Star, believing Rafiki will be impressed and hoping that she'll be great like she is someday. Kenene, thinking she will be, tells her that the Pride Lands is fortunate to have someone like her. When Makini reunites with her family in the Pride Lands, she mentions that Kenene has taught her so much, and Kitendo replies that they're proud she continued her training under their eldest daughter, sure that she has taught her a great deal about being a Royal Mjuzi, with Xolani adding that she'll be wonderful just like Kenene is. Excited, Makini tells them that it's her dream. She soon approaches the Royal Family at Pride Rock and explains that she has continued her training under Kenene.
- She will eventually become the Royal Mjuzi for Kingiza and Rani when they become king and queen of the Tree of Life.
- She and Xolani are the same age as Kiara.
- Kenene is voiced by Marieve Herington.