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Kea is a female fishing cat. She is a member of Saumu's Pounce.

She is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Kea is a gray-and-white she-cat with sleek fur. She has a pink nose and bright blue eyes.


Kea is often curious and excited. She is moody and also picky.


Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

When Reth enters Saumu's camp, Kea and Zera play with a moss ball in the clearing, watched by Thambo, Folami, and Haiba. After Reth orders his pride to attack, Kea and Zera huddle close together as Kariuki approaches them menacingly, eyeing him with frightened eyes. He knocks Zera away from Kea, attempting to suffocate her, but Jurni intervenes and pleads with him to leave the kits alone. Kariuki refuses, trying to attack them again, only to be countered by Addae and Mbamba. Eventually, the Lion Guard, Night Pride, and Kingiza arrive to fight, and Kea and Zera huddle underneath a bush, defended by Fuli, Rani, and Auri. Reth is soon overpowered and retreats, but warns that their next attack will be much more violent. During the final battle for the Tree of Life, the cats are again attacked by Reth's Pride, and Kea, Zera, Ameena, and Zibara huddle near a bush in fear. Auri calls for a retreat to Marsh Forest, and Reth and his pride give chase, but soon leave the cats in favor of different prey. The predators are soon defeated and sent out of the Tree of Life for good.

Trivia []

  • Kea is voiced by Ai-Chan Carrier.