The Lion King Fanon Wiki

"The Lion Guard is a group of lions who protect the PrideLands, Koona was their leader once."


Kasi is a Lioness with green eyes, pale orange fur, and a cream belly.

She is often seen as adventerous,formerly shy,naughty and elegant,


  • Gnuvu: Mate
  • Mwindaji:Adopted Mother
  • Kion:Adopted Father?
  • Leo:Son
  • Wepesi:Son
  • Mkaidi: Daughter
  • Fuhara:Daughter
  • Koona: Sister in law
  • Kiara: Mother in law
  • Unknown tiger: Father in law.


Kasi was found at the border of the Pridlands, Mwindaji took her as her own, and she made friends with two siblings, Gnuvu and Koona. She was a troublesome cub, then Mwindaji left to see her "father" Kion. She became mates with Gnuvu, and had 4 cubs, Leo, destined to be the new king, Wepesi, who's future was unkown, Mkaidi, Leader of the Lion Guard, and Fuhara. She died a while after Mkaidi became the Leader of The Lion Guard, of a horrible illness.


  • If she had a voice, it would be Zoe Saldana (Captain Celaeno from The My Little Pony movie).
  • She loved eating zebra's she passes it down to Mkaidi.