The Lion King Fanon Wiki

"He's all yours, Vitani. I stopped 'liking' him a few days ago...because I met this REALLY handsome rogue lion the other day."
Kasi to Vitani, chatting about Kopa and Rogue

Kasi is a former Outsider lioness. She is fastest member of Vitani's Lion Guard, the mate of Rogue and mother of Kamaria.

Physical appearance[]

Kasi is a light gray colored lioness with purple eyes. She has a hair tuft on her head that folds backwards, similar to Kion's. She has a light gray stomach, paws and muzzle, and a hooked dark magenta nose. She has three large, light brown markings placed on her sides, just after her ribs. Her tail tip is brown, and she is quite thin.


She is portrayed as very outgoing and confident. Almost immediately after meeting him, Kasi develops a crush on Kopa, but later meets and falls in love with a rogue lion, named Rogue, instead. She sometimes teases Vitani and is the first to know of her feelings for Kopa. Kasi takes her duties as a member of the Lion Guard very seriously, and is quick to rush into action.


  • Kasi means "faster" in Swahili.
  • She is portrayed as straightforward in some scenes, blurting out exactly what's on her mind even if it's at the wrong moment.
  • Kasi displays great confidence in her running abilities and stamina.
  • She is sometimes suspicious of newcomers.
  • She lets Kamaria have much freedom.