The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Queen Janna was an elderly Asiatic lioness who resided at the Tree of Life. She was the former queen of the Tree of Life and a Great Lion of the Past. Her parents are unknown. She is the mate of King Bodhi and the mother of Prince Surak and Prince Sãhasí. Her grandchildren are Queen Rani and Prince Baliyo.


Janna had dusky brown fur, green eyes and pink nose. Her muzzle, underbelly and paws were light tan in colour. Her ears are rimmed with darker brown. Her back has spots on it. Her muzzle was slightly long and medium sized. She had a rounded build.


She was very helpful to Kion and all other animals and she believed anyone can be healed. When Rani told her about the lion with a powerful roar Janna was very happy about it, because she realized that the Roar of the Elders had returned to the Tree of Life. She trusted Rani and the Night Pride very much and believed that Rani would be a very good queen, despite her granddaughter's doubt in herself, assuring Rani that she had everything and everyone she needed to be a good queen.

Janna was wise, compassionate, and was much beloved by all the animals of the Tree of Life, as many of them shed tears and mourned her passing away. She looked past superficial things like physical appearances and different circumstances and saw the virtues in others. She knew that in the heart, where it really counts, all animals are the same, reciting Sisi ni sawa to Rani, when she told her about Kion.


Mate: Bodhi

Sons: Sãhasí and Surak

Daughter in laws: Ãnanda and Nirmala

Granddaughter: Rani

Grandsons: Baliyo, Adri and Himal

Grandson in law: Kion

Great-Grandsons: Raja and Moto II

Great-Granddaughter: Janya

Mother in law: Anika

Father in law: Tavish

Aunt in law: Uru

Grandfather in law: Mahin

Grandmother in law: Dharini


-Her name means "Paradise" in Arabic.
