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Janja is a female spotted hyena who lives in the Outlands. She is the daughter of Shenzi, the sister of Kubali and Nne, and the leader of a large clan of hyenas.
She is an antagonist in Legends of the Lion Guard.
Janja is brown and has varying sizes of patches of of darker brown on her muzzle, eyes, legs, and flank. She has a fluffy, brown tail, a black mane, pink inner ears, a gray nose, and amber eyes with yellow sclarae.
Like her hyena ancestors before her, Janja is a greedy and selfish leader with no regard for the Circle of Life. Her unabated hunger drives her to extreme measures, as she is willing to stand against Simba and the Lion Guard, and her ruthless nature shines through in even everyday interactions. Janja is unforgiving to her minions and mercilessly mocks them in front of the clan, refusing to believe their excuses and stories. This is likely because her minions are not her friends; they are simply a means to an end, for Janja is crafty and uses her clanmates to do her dirty work for her. Despite her ruthless ambitions and sharp intellect, Janja is also a bit of a coward, usually only choosing to fight when the odds are in her favor, and she is known to promptly turn tail and run when faced with a fair fight.
Janja was born to Shenzi along with her sister, Kubali, and brother, Nne. As she grew up, she was raised to be greedy and selfish, and only cared about herself. This cause Kubali to later leave the clan. Eventually, she met Cheezi and Chungu, growing to be their friends even if she didn't particularily like them. When Shenzi stepped down from leadership in Janja's adolescence, the latter took up the mantle and utilized Fisi as a second-in-command.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]
The Orphans[]
Team Play[]
An Unknown Threat[]
Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]
- Janja is voiced by Frances Conroy.
- Janja has a fear of scorpions.