The Lion King Fanon Wiki
The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Jamali is a male African lion who resides at the Pridelands. He is a hunter of Simba’s Pride and a former member of Zira’s Pride. He also formerly resided at the Outlands. His parents are unknown. He is the mate of Mbaya and the father of Imara, Kasi and Shabaha.


Jamali has dusky brown fur, blue eyes and has a grey nose with a purple tint. His mane is a light gold colour. Jamali’s muzzle, paws and underbelly is cream coloured. His ears are rimmed with black and a darker shade of dusky brown. He also has darker dusky brown flecks under his eyes. His tail tuft is light gold. He has a thin build and his muzzle is medium sized.


As a member of Zira’s Pride, Jamali was cold towards lions of Simba’s Pride and hyenas of Jasiri’s Clan. Although he cares deeply for his three cubs. He attacked Simba’s Pride during the Great Battle of Zira’s and Simba’s Prides.

As a member of Simba’s Pride, he became a lot kinder. He realised that Zira didn’t care about him and only used him to get power. He changed sides after Kiara and Kovu came in and stopped the battle.


Mate: Mbaya

Daughters: Imara, Kasi and Shabaha

Sister in law: Shetani

Brother in law: Giza

Niece: Tazama

Mother in law: Dotty

Father in law: Damu

Grandmother in law: Azola

Grandfather in law: Jino

Daughter in law: Tiifu

Adopted Grandson: Kimba


-His name means "Holy beauty" in Arabic.

-His design is inspired by Starmane, a deceased lion from My Pride (by tribbledoom, YouTube)
