The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Jaja is a male spotted hyena cub who resides at the Outlands. He is a member of Jasiri's Clan. He is the son of Jasiri and Janja, and the triplet brother of Amara and Jabali.


Jaja has gray fur with a purplish tint, and a darker muzzle. His underbelly is lighter in color. He has black ears and paws. He also has a dark purple hair tuft with streaks of lighter fur. His inner ears are dull pink. Jaja has darker spots on his neck, shoulder and back. His nose is black and his eyes are yellow.


Like his triplet sister, Amara, he is outgoing. However, unlike Amara, he is not shy, bold, and often getting himself into danger. He loves adventures.


Mother: Jasiri

Father: Janja

Sister: Amara

Brother: Jabali

Grandmothers: Moyo and Shenzi

Grandfather: Banzai

Aunts: Asante and Madoa

Uncles: Chungu and Cheezi

Great Uncle: Ed


-His name means "god's gift" in Nigerian.

-However, his name could also just be short for Janja, naming him after his father.
