The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Ishi is an adolescent lion that lives in the Back Lands. He is the keenest of sight of Mshale's Lion Guard.

He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Ishi has a light golden pelt, with patches of lighter fur on his muzzle, pass, and underbelly. He has a light brown head tuft, brown ear rims, and reddish-orange eyes. The Mark of the Guard is imprinted in dark orange on his left shoulder.

Personality []

Ishi is a good sport, though sometimes can get carried away. He doesn't appreciate bad behavior, despite the fact that he might not be fair sometimes either.

History []

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

Ishi competes in the Pride Lands Games for team Back Lands, and goes second in every challenge. During the swimming challenge, he jeers Fuli for her hatred of water. In the stone throw, he earns three points, and earns the same amount in the stick toss. Ishi faces Baliyo in the wrestling challenge and loses. His team is later disqualified after Okereke's poor sportsmanship is exposed.

A Wonderful Royal Summit[]

Ishi attends the Royal Summit.

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Ishi is now a teenager. Mshale assigns him and Soyinka to train a team at the Iroko Tree, and they head off. When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Ishi is one of the many animals that has gathered at the base of Pride Rock. Simba assigns Mshale's Lion Guard to help Bunga, Ono, and Anga at Chekundu Cliffs, and they rush there, charging into battle.

Trivia []

  • Ishi is voiced by Christopher Willis.
  • When using his sight to the fullest, Ishi's eyes flash dark orange.