The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Ishara II is an African (part Asiatic) lioness cub who resides at the Pridelands. She is a member of Simba’s Pride. She is the daughter of Prince Kopa and Vitani and the sister of Maua.


Ishara has golden brown fur, violet eyes and purple nose. Her underbelly, muzzle and paws are lighter in colour. Her ears are rimmed with black. Her tail tuft is brown and her muzzle is long like her mother and her evil grandmother, Zira.


Ishara is the most outgoing out of the siblings. She can be very demanding and talkative to her parents.


Mother: Vitani

Father: Kopa

Sister: Maua

Uncles: Kovu and Kion

Aunts: Kiara and Rani

Grandfathers: Chumvi and Simba

Grandmothers: Zira and Nala

Great-Grandmothers: Sarafina, Sarabi, Meria and Ruhi

Great-Grandfathers: Mkali, Mufasa, Ajabu and Sharva

Cousins: Bakari, Akina, Raja, Janya and Moto II

Great Uncle: Mheetu

Great Aunt: Tama


-Her name means “Sign” in Swahili.
