The Lion King Fanon Wiki
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You are viewing the page dedicated to Imarisha, a fishing cat and the sister of Mahiri. You may have been looking for Imara, a lion with a similar name.

Imarisha and Mahiri are a pair of fishing cats that live at the Tree of Life. They are members of Saumu's Pounce.

They are minor characters in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Imarisha and Mahiri are long-furred Tonkinese cats with white fur and a brown face, muzzle, and paws. Imarisha's eyes are cerulean blue while Mahiri's eyes are more a shade of sky blue.


Both sisters are easygoing and friendly. Mahiri is slightly shier than her sister, but is still outgoing. Imarisha is a big daydreamer, often thinking about a big picture rather than a small one.


Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

When Reth and his pride commence their attack on Saumu's Pounce, Imarisha and Mahiri fight in the battle. Eventually, with help from the Lion Guard, Night Pride, and Kingiza, Reth retreats, but not before warning that their next attack will be much more violent. During the final battle for the Tree of Life, the cats are again attacked by Reth's Pride, and Auri calls for a retreat to Marsh Forest. Reth and his pride give chase, but soon leave the cats in favor of different prey. The predators are soon defeated and sent out of the Tree of Life for good.

Trivia []

  • The two of them are voiced by Sophie Reynolds.