The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Imara is a former Outsider lioness. She is the strongest in Vitani's Lion Guard.

Physical appearance[]

Imara is a grayish-tan colored lioness with blue eyes. Her hooked nose is reddish-brown. She has markings under her eyes similar to that of Spotty's. Her chest, stomach, paws and muzzle are a very light gray-tan. She is quite muscular and very strong. She also has thick black eyebrows, and some fur on the top of her head sticks up a little bit. Imara's ears are rimmed with brown and black, and the inside of the ears is pink. Her ears are fluffy at the end, like Vitani's.


She is portrayed as understanding and considerate. She listens to how Vitani feels when distressed and gives her good advice about situations. Imara is also respectful yet can be overly confident of her abilities. She is often extremely patient, whether it be with friends or enemies, and is more patient than most of her friends.


  • Imara and Kasi are the most spotlighted Guard members in Caldafox's first fanfic (besides the former members Kion and Fuli).
  • She is Caldafox's favorite member of Vitani's Lion Guard, along with Tazama.
  • Imara is one of the taller lionesses in Simba's pride.
  • She is more open to newcomers then the rest of Vitani's Guard.