The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Gheiri Pride
Hadithi Ya Hodari
Close Relations
Cheri(sister) Tisa(sister)
A Friendly Lion

Huzuni is a lioness and a member of the Gheiri Pride.


Huzuni is a little lioness, lithe and slim, with thin legs, flat paws, and a very short tail ending in a small, dull brown tuft. She is lightly built, with a narrow frame and slender shoulders. She has a short muzzle, pronounced jaws, small teeth, and a wide nose. Her dull coat is a light fallow brown, fading to soft beige in her muzzle, paws, and underbelly. Atop her head, a short, fragmentary line of longer fur points forward. Her eyes are large, round, and garnet red. Though they once shined with a unique brilliancy, they are now dark and expressionless. Huzuni has numerous small scars, but there are two that stand out the most are by far. One is a thick bright red mark that parts the fur from her upper neck to her lower foreleg. The other is older and thinner, but distinctive in its length, snaking from between her shoulders to her flanks.


Huzuni was once an eager and agreeable lioness, in quite a hurry to grow up. Due to the war that was fought from her adolescence to adulthood, she learned that the way to prove oneself was to fight savagely and win battles. She became bloodthirsty and violent, leaping at the chance to sink her teeth into an enemy lion. Despite her ferocity, she was determinedly loyal and caring towards her two sisters, whom she loved more than anyone else in the world.

After both of her sisters died in battle, Huzuni changed drastically. She came to loathe the idea of fighting, realizing that their losses were stacking up higher than what they would gain if they won the war. She turned distant and detached, remaining aloof and rejecting those who offered there company. Though she rarely speaks out loud, she can be pushed to if she hears pride members talking about the enjoyment they experience while fighting or treating the war like an opportunity to be recognized as an adult, as she once did. However, these are the only conditions that can instigate her story from her own mouth.


Early Life[]

Huzuni made the journey with her pride as an older cub, supported by her two sisters. The three of them watched the pride as they made the decision to declare war on another pride. The three cubs did not understand most of this, but came to learn what it meant as they grew into adolescents and were trained to fight and hate the other pride.

Huzuni's sisters died in subsequent battle when they were all young adults, leaving Huzuni without a family.
