The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Honey Badgers (also lesser known as ratels) are animals that appear in The Lion King franchise.


Honey badgers use their sharp claws to dig burrows for themselves, though they will also use the dens and tunnels dug by other animals for shelter. They are omnivorous creatures that will eat honey, insects, rodents, and other small animals as well as fruit and roots.

Female honey badgers give birth to small litters of one or two, and the kits are born blind. Honey badgers produce a potent odor from scent glands when they are feeling threatened.

They are aggressive, fearless animals that will take on creatures larger than they are, including lions Only very few predators can defeat them. Honey badgers are also very intelligent. They are listed as a species of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.

Itss wild lifespan is unknown, but captive Honey Badgers have lived up to 24 years. The honey badger ranges through most of sub-Saharan Africa, from the Western Cape, South Africa, to southern Morocco and southwestern Algeria and outside Africa through Arabia, Iran and western Asia to Turkmenistan and the Indian Peninsula. Honey badgers gestation period is 6 months. They vocalise through plaintive whines. Cubs also whine.

Honey badgers have black or gray fur, with white fur on their head and back. They have short legs, very thick skin, powerful jaws, and sharp teeth and claws.

Appearances in Fanfiction[]

Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes honey badgers, add it to this list.

Honey Badgers on the Wiki[]

All honey badgers on this wiki can be found here.

