Hista (Drun 123's Fanfics)[]
Hista is a daughter of Ushari and Helga. She lived with her mother from a small age and was taught her hatred of her father. She belong to Helga's Group and living with them in the Swamp.
Hista is a young female of an Egyptian cobra. Its ridge is covered with red scales. with a creamy-tan underside. and narrow purple markings. She has two circular markings the same color as her underside on her hood, which is a paler shade of red than her body, with two more purple markings inside them. With this, she looks similar to Ushari - her father. She has black eyes.
Because her mother taught her to hate her father, Hista hates Ushari and does not want to know him.
A young female doesn't know that her mother has lied to her - her father isn't disgraceful- he doesn't know that Helga was born and that he has a daughter with her.
The young cobra doesn't want to contact his father - because (as her mother said) he is "disgraceful" father.
When Hista finally learns the truth about his father, she is very angry with her mother that she lied to her.
Hista was born in the Swamp. Her mother was Helga and her father was Ushari.
A small cobra from the young was taught that her father was a bad snake and "abandoned" her mother when he learned that he would be a father (in fact, Ushari didn't know that Helga was pregnant).
Hista hated Ushari.
Until one day, she met her father and gave him everything.
Ushari was shocked that he had a daughter. When he explained everything to Hista, she was mad at her mother for lying to her and not telling her father that she was pregnant with him.
Hista started spending more time at Broken Rock, where she was meeting up with Ushari.
- Ushari (father),
- Helga (mother).