The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Hanisi is an orphaned male lion cub. He is the brother of Banou, Mbita, and Nyimbo.

He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Hanisi has a tawny-brown pelt, broken by patches of lighter fur on his muzzle, paws, and underbelly. He has pale speckles on his back. His eyes are orange, and he has a brown head tuft.


Hanisi is friendly and affectionate, and is shown to be very attached to his older sister.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Orphans[]

While walking back to the Lair, Bunga accidentally steps on the tail of a lion cub, who emerges from the bush. Annoyed, the cub introduces himself as Hanisi, and tells the Lion Guard not to let it happen again. Mbita, Hanisi's brother, appears next to him, along with his two sisters, asking if he's giving the Lion Guard trouble. The cubs explain that their mother died when they were young, and that they have nowhere else to go. Bunga suggests that the cubs can stay at Pride Rock, and Kion agrees to ask his parents. The cubs are taken to Pride Rock, and meet Mahuluti. Hanisi greets her politely, and the sight of the cubs appears to delight the female leopon. Mahuluti later tells Kion that Hanisi and his siblings are allowed to stay as long as they want.

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]



  • Hanisi is voiced by Ben Schwartz.