The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Prince Hafifu is a male gorilla who resides at Theluji Mountains. He is a prince of Theluji Mountains and the heir to the throne. He's also a member of Sokwe's Troop. He is the son of King Sokwe and an unknown queen, and the brother of Prince Majinuni.


Hafifu is a very bulky gorilla with gray fur over his body. He has darker gray fur rimming the bottom half of his chest and his arms and legs. He also have a tan chest, feet, hands, face and ears. He has darker gray specks under his eyes. His nose is pinkish tan. His eyes are dark blue.


Hafifu has been described as 'buffoonish'. Much like his brother, Majinuni, he is childish and immature, seeking fun out constantly. He thinks highly of his father and does not like to disappoint him, but due to his playful tendencies, he has a habit of forgetting important information easily. He is a little quieter than his younger brother.


Mother: Unnamed

Father: Sokwe

Brother: Majinuni


-His name means “Clown” in Swahili.
