The Lion King Fanon Wiki

All right, everyone. This is it. Let's stop them and rescue little Ayana!
―Hadithi to his bird army

Hadithi is a male African hawk-eagle who lives in the Pride Lands.

He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Hadithi is a large, stocky eagle with brown and white plumage. He has a large, yellow beak with a black tip, and yellow eyes, as well as yellow talons with long, black claws. Overall, he appears to be very broad-chested and muscular.


Hadithi is proud and conceited, and enjoys talking down animals of a lesser level. He takes great pride in his position as a hero, even going so far as to say that his fans worship him. He is also shown to be respectful of royalty. Hadithi, to a degree, also sometimes inflates his ego to make himself look more heroic and legendary. However, he has been shown to be kind and compassionate. 


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Hadithi is one of the many animals gathered at the base of Pride Rock. Shortly after, Hadithi assembles his bird army at Rocky Plateau, surrounding Reth's Pride, and he tells them that it's time to fight back and rescue Ayana. While the rest of the birds attack the lions, Hadithi and Anga dive down, catching Ayana before she hits the ground and reassuring her that she's okay. They bring her back to Fuli, who swiftly takes her back to Pride Rock. There, she explains to Ayana's grandparents that Hadithi's bird army saved her by distracting Reth's Pride. She repeats this news to Kion at Chakula Plains. Following Scar's appearance at Pride Rock, Fuli assigns Ono to see if Hadithi's bird army needs additional help. During the final battle, Hadithi's bird army clashes with Mzingo's Committee, and Hadithi praises Anga when she smashes into Mzingo.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Hadithi is one of the many animals gathered at Pride Rock when the Lion Guard departs for the Tree of Life. After the Lion Guard, Makini, and Nguruma return home, Hadithi is apart of the crowd that gathers at the base of Pride Rock, and Anga points him out to the Guard.


  • Hadithi is voiced by John O'Hurley.