The Lion King Fanon Wiki
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EBA's Fanon has been around for a fair bit of time.

However, due to multiple flaws in the story, it's being rewritten.
Updates to the story have officially begun as of September 8th, 2024.
There is no estimate for when the updates will conclude.

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―Habari's catchphrase

Habari is a male lion. He is the son of Kion and Rani. Habari currently serves as the leader of the Lion Guard. He currently resides in the Pride Lands.


Bhaaloo's Fanon[]

25 - Bhaaloo the Pride Lander[]

Because Habari, soon, you will be the leader of your own Lion Guard.
―Kion, to Habari

Habari asks Kion if he can go with him, Kovu, Kopa, and the Lion Guard when Bhaaloo is launching his final attack. Kion tells Habari and Rabaha to stay in the den with Nala. After Bhaaloo joins the Pride Landers, Nala brings Habari with her, so they can be introduced to Bhaaloo.

Later, Kion wakes Habari up and brings him to the Lair of the Lion Guard. There, he and Rafiki explain the story of Scar's Lion Guard. Kion also talks a little about his time as leader of the Lion Guard. When Habari asks why Kion is telling him all of this, Kion explains that Habari will soon lead his own Lion Guard since Rabaha doesn't have any siblings.

When Kion asks Habari to choose who should be on his Lion Guard, Habari initially picks the members of Kion's Lion Guard. After Kion tells him to pick his own animals, Habari heads out to select the members for his team.

Habari's Guard[]

Episode 1[]

Alright, let's go. Till the Pride Lands end, Lion Guard defend!

While Habari is playing Baobab Ball with Hoja, Kion informs him that it is time for his Lion Guard to begin training. Habari is instructed to gather his teammates. Habari returns with Punda, Hoja, Nguvu and Hurungi.

After Kion sends each member off to train with 2 members of Kion's guard, Kion and Rani bring Habari to the border between the Pride Lands and the Outlands, where Kion first used the Roar of the Elders. There, Kion and Rani teach Habari how to use the Roar of the Elders. Though Habari struggles at first, he eventually gets the hang of it.

When everyone returns to Pride Rock, Kion teaches Habari and his Lion Guard how to fight. He tells Habari not to use the roar unless he absolutely needs to. During the guard's final test, Habari asks Hurungi to find Rani. Habari then asks Nguvu to move a boulder out of the way of the path. Eventually, Habari's guard arrive at a wall of logs that Nguvu is unable to move. Habari uses the roar to clear the path.

After Habari and his Lion Guard successfully pin Rani and complete their challenge, Kion steps down as leader of the guard, and Habari and his guard become the new Lion Guard. Anga informs Habari that it's time for his first mission, as a herd of antelope are stampeding. Habari and his guard leave to take care of the stampede.


Habari, like his father, is a responsible leader. He also enjoys playing with his best friend Hoja.


  • Habari is a Swahili word.
    • In English, "habari" literally translates to "information" or "news".
    • However, it's most common use is in greetings. "Habari" alone can mean "hello", while "habari yako" can mean "how are you".
    • It is commonly used in greetings such as "Habari yako?" (What is your news? -> How are you?)
  • Habari's catchphrase is "kichaa", which is Swahili. In English, it means "crazy".