The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Gumba is a young male baboon who resides at the Pridelands. He is a member of Shomari's Troop. He is also the son of Shomari and Mwamini. He is friends with Mtoto, Kambuni, Kwato and Shauku.


Gumba has brown fur covering most of his body and a paler brown underbelly. His face, hands, and feet are pink, and he has a large tuft of black fur atop his head. His nose is a darker shade of pink than the rest of his face, and the space between his eyes and his eyebrows is light pinkish gray. Gumba's eyes are dark olive yellow.


Gumba is shown to be thoughtful, spirited, and playful, but quick to pass the blame to others when there is trouble. He admires the Lion Guard and enjoys pretending to be a member of the Guard. He is close to his mother, and won't stray from her side during a crisis.


Mother: Mwamini

Father: Shomari


-His name means "Thumb" in Swahili (Kidole Gumba.)
