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You are viewing the page dedicated to Giza, a cobra. You may have been looking for Gina, a lion, or Gini, a hornbill, both of which have similar names.

Giza is a male black-necked spitting cobra. He is the accomplice of Ubaya.

He is an antagonist in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Giza has a thick, sleek body covered in shiny purple scales of varying hues broken up by patches of cream. He also has a wide hood, narrow orange-brown eyes with yellow sclerae, and a mouth full of sharp white fangs.


Like Ubaya, Giza is power-hungry and deceptive, being willing to use Scar as a pawn to achieve his own ends.



Sometime during Scar's adolescence, Ubaya approached Scar, putting visions of grandiose into his head with the claim that the most powerful should be king. He led Scar to the Outlands; unbeknownst to him, he had also taken Giza with him. Giza attacked Scar, giving him the scar over his eye, and Ubaya promised the venom would be cured if he listened to him. However, Scar angrily roared them away, in the process costing him his position as leader of the Lion Guard.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

While explaing his backstory to Ushari, Scar mentions how Ubaya convinced him that they could rule the Pride Lands, but he had his cobra friend scar him. He claimed that he could be cured if he listened to him, but Scar angrily refused and roared them away. Later, Scar retells his story to Kion, mentioning how he roared the strange lion and cobra out of the Pride Lands.


  • Giza is voiced by Ford Riley.