Galagos (also known as Bushbabies) are animals that appear in the Lion King franchise.
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Galagos are nocturnal, and the live off a diet of insects, fruit, tree gums and other small animals. They communicate with each other by calls. They live in a group, and at the end of each day use a rallying call to to gather their group members. They sleep in a nest made up of leaves, a group of branches, or a hole in a tree.
Galagos have large eyes and ears that provide good night vision and an acute sense of hearing. They also have comb-like incisors and claws on the second toe of their hind feet, which they use for grooming purposes.
Equipped with powerful hind limbs, galagos are able to make long leaps across trees. Their leg muscles make up 25% of their total body mass. They have long tails exceeding the length of their body that also provide balance when climbing or jumping.
Appearances in Fanfiction[]
Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes galagos, add it to this list.
Galagos on This Wikia[]
All galagos on the wiki can be found here.
The Lion King Fanon Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Galago. |