Fuli is an adult female Cheetah. She is the daughter of Amabala and the mate of Azaad. She is the former fastest of the Lion Guard and a member of the Night Pride. Fuli currently resides at the Tree Of Life and is a secondary character in The Lion King: The Next Generation.
Fuli had pale yellow fur, light brown spots, and a symbol on her head that was a spot with two lines emerging from it. She had a paler muzzle and underbelly.
Fuli’s fur noticeably got brighter and her symbol now resembled a question mark with lines around it. She also had the lion guard mark on her right leg.
Fuli’s fur is a bit duller but still bright, and has more spots.
Fuli prefers no help and would rather do things her own way. She likes being alone, but is kind and caring. Fuli can sometimes be competitive, but not as competitive as Azaad. She is very good at singing.
Infant years[]
Fuli was born to Amabala and an unnamed father. The father ran away shortly after her birth, which left Amabala in charge of Fuli. She was extra-protective of her.
Fuli often wandered away from her mom. Amabala was angry with Fuli, but still a kind and caring mother. They often held racing contests. When she wandered away, she often did it to serve the Lion Guard. Fuli befriended Anga, Beshte, Bunga, Kion, and Ono.
When Ono got temporarily blinded, the Lion Guard voyaged to the Tree Of Life. One day, when Fuli was searching for tuliza, Azaad attacked her. Eventually, Azaad befriended the Lion Guard and helped them on their journey. They eventually got there. Fuli sung for Rani’s coronation and Janna’s funeral, along with Nirmala and Anga.
Fuli currently resides within the Tree Of Life.