Fuli Amalia Haraka-Sana is one of the protagonists of Siblings In Action and its spin-off, Rebel Bladers. She is the younger sister of Sasha and Abeba, as well as the aunt of Luka, Ayanna, and Taraji.
Fuli is rather sarcastic and snarky, much like her canon counterpart, but she means well. She is shown to have a big heart on several occasions. One memorable instance was when, while filming "The Golden Zebra", Flora slipped on a narrow ledge. Fuli instantly sped up, grabbed their hand, then pulled them up and calmed them down, which was all caught on camera. In another instance, when an upset Makini arrived on set, unable to calm down, she comforted her and got her to explain the situation.
She has displayed incredible acting skills. Notable examples include when she was having a hard day, but pulled through and kept going through a very emotional scene. She's also able to remain in character for a long time, such as when Anga or Makini continuously laughed and messed up the scenes, she stayed serious throughout.
During production for Season 3, Fuli, much like her canon counterpart, developed a bit more maturity and a sense of leadership. She also acts like a mediator for any on-set arguments, most often Flora and Baliyo's (the two took a bit to get along after Baliyo made a joke that upset Flora).
During the Rebel Bladers arc, her personality changes a bit. She becomes more determined, and is more aloof and reserved than before. She is also quite serious, a vast change from her more carefree demeanor from before. After several consecutive destructions to Florian, she becomes very irritable and rude.
It's shown several times throughout the series that she's fond of young children, as she allows the Cadets to call her "Fuli-chan" or "Onee-san" (Japanese honorific meaning "Big Sister"), gives them advice, trains with them, and at one point carried an exhausted Sarah on her back and took her back home.
Whenever Florian was destroyed, she'd lose her spirit, much like the others, and become depressed, similar to Delta Zakuro from Beyblade Burst Rise. It would take a great shock to lift her out of her stupor, like Flora threatening to quit Beyblade.
She seems to have a high sense of honor and regard for the rules, noted when she almost attacked Phoenix Rising when they resorted to cheating multiple times, only to be held back and reprimanded.
Despite her pride in her Blading rank, she does not show off or put anyone down for theirs, especially Makini and Sarah. She evens calms Makini down after the latter is made fun of for her insecurity and rank.
Following the incident regarding Flora's relationship in her sophomore year, Fuli has become very protective of her juniors, especially Flora. Someone even dares to look at any of them the wrong way, and Fuli will threaten them. This also taps more into her more aggressive side as she'll angrily swear to harm those who hurt anyone she cares about, especially Flora.
Towards the end of her junior year, Fuli becomes much more optimistic and outgoing, wanting to finish her last year of high school strong. On top of this, she tries out as many opportunities as she can, including applying for a job and several internships, signing up for a few new clubs, attending more school activities, and joining a scholarship program she'd previously refused, showing how her ego was slowly losing control over her. She even inspires Flora to do the same later.
By the end of her senior year, Fuli has almost completely matured. She speaks more calmly and kindly to classmates, and is less willing to start fights. She interacts well with her younger peers and looks out for them while also acknowledging that as a senior, she needs to pay attention to college and opportunities.
There are times where Fuli doubts herself. One major example is when Flora is continuously bullied by two other students to the point of having multiple panic attacks. Fuli begins to cry (and is consoled by her friends), feeling like she failed her best friend. She even says that she was supposed to protect those she's close to but couldn't even do that.
Fuli hates when others, especially Timon, Pumbaa or Bunga, ruffle her fur. The only castmate she's ok with remotely doing so is Flora because, as she puts it, Flora is very gentle with it and always makes sure to fix it afterward. Much like her canon counterpart, she also hates getting dirty, often getting annoyed when the other cast members accidentally get dirt, mud, leaves, or anything of the sort on her. This anger is usually directed at Bunga, who is usually the cause of her getting dirty.
Fuli looks almost exactly like she did in The Lion Guard, albeit with long dusty-blonde hair usually kept in a low ponytail or side braid, but let down on certain occasions. During battles, she ties her hair up in a low ponytail held up with a purple rubber band.
In Rebel Bladers, Fuli's appearance is relatively unchanged except for her hair, which is now kept in a high side ponytail with a purple scrunchie when she Beyblades, much like Lorea's.
When Fuli resonates with Florian, her hair breaks free from its rubber band and turns a bright almond color.
In the summer before her senior year, Fuli has cut her hair close to her chin while maintaining the same hair color. She allows it to regrow to her shoulders by the time of the Senior Goodbye Rally.
- Singing: Is one of the strongest singers of the cast, and has made Flora cry on several occasions with her voice; was a Chamber Choir member in all of her high school years and was also a three-year member of Advanced Women's Ensemble
- Strength: Has some impressive strength, like being able to drag Gabby across the floor of the TC BC base with just her paw
- Speed: Has incredible speed, due to being a cheetah, and is one of the fastest members of the Rebel Bladers and TC BC
- Agility: Very agile; can pull off flips and spins in her launches
- Beyblading: Has an impressive win-loss ratio, and is one of the strongest members of TC BC
- Dancing: Has poor dancing skills, most likely due to being a cheetah
- Honesty: Quite honest and blunt, but means well
- Climbing: Like dancing, her poor performance in climbing could be due to being a cheetah
- Resilience: Has incredible resilience, despite appearing quite lazy sometimes
- Memory: Has a decent memory; can remember song lyrics, but forgets to do her homework (this decreases over time)
- Swimming: Cannot swim, and actually holds a disdain for bodies of water
- Acting: She has been an actress since childhood, so naturally, she has a talent for acting
Flora Linniaro[]
Flora is one of Fuli's childhood best friends and one of the first cast members to welcome them to town, even volunteering to show them around the Pride Lands. Fuli is rather protective of Flora, especially when the latter starts high school. When Flora shied away during "The Imaginary Okapi," Fuli went off-script so Flora would be more comfortable with the scene, as they struggled with interacting with the other cast members at the time. Any time Flora forgot a line while filming and freaked out, Fuli would gently remind them that mistakes happen all the time. If Flora was ever in pain on set, Fuli would immediately yell "CUT!" and help Flora in any way possible.
When Flora suffered a massive panic attack as the result of a bullying incident, Fuli comforts them by tightly hugging them and talking to them about it. When the Lion Guard cast later discusses this, Fuli breaks down crying, fearing she failed her best friend.
Kion Gozi[]
Fuli is Kion's longtime girlfriend. The two have known each other since kindergarten, officially beginning their relationship in sixth grade. Fuli was the first to notice Kion's pain after he'd had a mishap and injured himself while filming "Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots" and remained by his side, later comforting him in the hospital.
During their junior year, Kion asked Fuli to prom with a sign reading "I'm not LION when I say I want to be your KING... so shall thou be my QUEEN at prom?" Fuli immediately (and tearfully) accepted and the two shared a passionate kiss while their classmates photographed.
On the day of their graduation, they smile in all of the photos others take of them and even make Instagram posts showing a montage of them from kindergarten to high school graduation.
Madoa Meritta[]
Fuli is very close with Madoa, with the former regarding the latter as her sister figure.
- "Girl, you don't know pain until you've dealt with Bunga's- uh... gift." - to Makini while filming The Rise of Scar
- "It's almost like yesterday we started this whole show." - while tearfully reminiscing her time on the show
- "Girl, don't even deny those tears." - when Kiara cried (and tried to hide it) during "May There Be Peace"
- "Oh, honey, I didn't realize my voice was that good!" - when Flora cried during "May There Be Peace"
- "You two don't shut up, I'll show you what real pain is!" - chastising Flora and Baliyo after a loud on-set argument
- (while crying) "My best friend is getting picked on, they had a panic attack, and I couldn't even do a thing to help them! I failed them!" - lamenting on how she felt she couldn't do much for Flora
Coming Soon![]
- She revealed on Twitter as well as in the episode Whatcha Say To Dat? that she was the first new female cast member revealed for The Lion Guard.
- During the Rebel Bladers saga, Fuli battled Mystika 27 times, with Florian being destroyed 14 times and with Fuli winning only twice.
- Her birthday is January 22, 2006, the same as Kion's.
- The creator of this AU, Zel, did this on purpose to create another similarity between the two.
- This makes her 18 in the current timeline.
- Her Beyblade combo is Majestic Florian F7 10' DG-Q α-Q, a balance Beyblade.
- She's the second non-male Blader to own a balance type, after Flora.
- She's the second female to not have owned a generic Beyblade prior to getting a named one, the first being Fluttershy.
- Fuli is one of the few Bladers to have a Beyblade starting with the same letter as her name.
- Her battle theme is Three House's Main Theme.
- Fuli is half-Somalian and half-Russian.
- She is fluent in English, Swahili, Russian, and Ukrainian.
- Fuli graduated high school in 2024.
- She will graduate from college in 2028.