The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Fuli is a cheetah who lives at the Tree of Life. She formerly served as the fastest in Kion's Lion Guard. She is friends with Kion, Rani, Anga, Beshte, Bunga, and Ono, the mate of Azaad, and the mother of Penda.

Physical appearance[]

Fuli is a king cheetah with a beautiful pattern of spots all over her body, and stripes on certain areas, notably her forehead and tail.


In her short appearances so far, Fuli is portrayed as determined, confident, and yet friendly and considerate. She was quite moody and often rude as a cub but has since grown out of those traits. She is selfless and supportive, a loyal friend to those close to her.


  • Fuli and Azaad are always seen together.
  • Fuli is the first to become a mother in Caldafox's fanfics.
  • Fuli's name means "very fast" or "speedy" in Swahili.
  • She hated water as a cub, and still does to this day.
  • Fuli was very proud of her speed, and sometimes a show-off as a cub. Now she is less prideful, but still loves to run.
    • Penda inherited many of these traits.
  • She tries to get her daughter to be less boastful.
  • Fuli can sometimes be defensive, and will gladly defend her home and those close to her from danger.