Fuli's Lullaby is a story by PrinceBalto.

Fuli gives her and Kion's daughter Asha a lullaby at night
Another grown-up Kion and Fuli story. Here, it is bedtime in the Pridelands, and Fuli is putting their adoptive serval daughter Asha to sleep with a little lullaby. This is, of course, when they are grown. This is before Lilia becomes the leader of the Guard.
Night had fallen over the Pridelands. It was peaceful, with no trouble at all. Not since Scar's defeat, Janja journeying to parts unknown, and Zira's death had there been much trouble of any kind. After a big meal of gazelle meat, Kion and Fuli were settling in for the night. Also there was their little serval daughter, Asha, the absolute joy in their lives. She had had a very full day too as she was watched over by her grandmother Nala, along with her cousins, Kiara's cubs, Anakin and Lilia, as her parents took care of their Lion Guard duties.
However, Asha still had some energy in her.
It had always been this way. However, Kion and Fuli knew that she was growing and had to get her rest. Therefore, Fuli gathered Asha between her paws, just as her mother had once done with her when she was that young. She glanced up at Kion, who was smiling at the sheer adorableness of the sight of his mate and their daughter. Fuli smiled at Asha, who playfully put a paw on her mother's nose. Fuli giggled playfully and licked her daughter.
Oh, motherhood brought her such joy! Now, she began to sing her lullaby:
Night has fallen
The roaring of lions has ceased
The calls of birds have fallen silent
Even the king has gone to his den
Now it is time for you to sleep
Time for you to close your eyes
Time to rest your little head
The troubles of our world are gone for now
Love you for all time, my blessing
Sleep and remember
This lullaby
I will always be with you
Now, sweet dreams
Shortly after that, Asha's eyes closed and she fell asleep. Quietly, Kion laid down beside his mate, falling asleep a second later. Fuli glanced one more time at Asha. Smiling, she then fell asleep herself.