The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Written by: Caldafox

Freckled Beauty cover


It was a sunny day in the Pride Lands, during the beginning of Simba and Nala's reign. Nala and Simba were talking to Malka near Pride Rock.

"It's so nice to see you again, Malka." Nala was saying, with a smile. "Thank you, Nala." Malka replied. "I really wanted to make sure Tojo and Tama had made it back to their home pride."

"It was nice of you to come all this way," Simba said. "I know your pride lives pretty far from here."

"But not far enough for me to avoid getting lost," Malka commented, referring to his childhood habit. He shared a laugh with the King and Queen.

The rulers led their friend towards the other members of the pride, where Tama and Tojo would be hanging out.

As they passed the hill that led behind Pride Rock, a group of lionesses was hanging out and laughing. One of them caught Malka's eye, and he couldn't stop staring at her.

"Who is that?" Malka gasped, his eyes locked on the lioness.

"Oh, that's Vashti." Nala answered. "She's one of our lead huntresses."

Simba and Nala exchanged a glance as Malka slowly walked towards the lionesses.

The lionesses, who had been laughing, stopped when they saw Malka coming towards them. They giggled quietly to themselves as they left the scene, leaving Vashti there by herself, wondering why they left so suddenly.

She turned towards Malka, having noticed him now, and was surprised to see the focused expression on his face. "H-hi," he stuttered.

"Oh, hello!" Vashti said. "I don't think I've seen you around here before. Welcome to the Pride Lands!"

"Thanks..." Malka said, captivated by Vashti's beauty. "M-my name's Malka."

"I'm Vashti," the lioness smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too." Malka smiled, slightly flustered. His tufted ears went back nervously, and Vashti smiled sweetly upon noticing.

Simba and Nala watched the two interact nearby. "I think this visit might last a little longer than Malka planned." Simba commented. Nala laughed, as she watched Malka and Vashti carry on in conversation.

Malka finally let Vashti go back with her friends when he noticed Tama and Tojo return from an outing. They had been talking for almost half an hour!

"I've gotta go," Malka said. "I have to go talk with some old acquaintances."

"I understand," Vashti said. "Have a good time!"

"I will..." Malka muttered, as he watched Vashti leave. She smiled at him when she looked back, and Malka felt his face heat up.

"Thanks for coming to visit us, Malka." Tama said, once Malka had sat down with her and Tojo. "How's your pride doing?" Tojo asked.

"We're doing fine," Malka answered. "What about your pride..." he asked distractedly. He turned to look behind himself as Vashti and some other lionesses were dragging a fresh kill back to Pride Rock. Of course, once he had looked at Vashti, he couldn't look away. Tama and Tojo stared at each other, oblivious of why Malka was asking so strange.

"Our pride is doing fine also." Tojo answered. Malka snapped out of his daze to look back at his friends. "Sorry about that..." he said sheepishly. "Quite alright, Malka." Tama said, with a laugh.

The friends caught up for a little while longer, before Malka's infatuation with Vashti had become pretty obvious. He was so distracted any time she walked by with the other lionesses.

Malka had planned to stay for only three days... but obviously that wasn't happening. Simba, Nala, Tama and Tojo wanted him to stay a little longer, and even if he wanted to leave, there's no way he could at the rate he enjoyed Vashti's company so immensely.

One day, by the time Malka had been staying for five days, Vashti was going to get a drink, and she noticed Malka was already there lapping up water. She couldn't help but smile when he noticed her standing there, and quickly finish so he could talk to her.

"Hi Vashti," Malka said, walking up to her. "Hi Malka," Vashti smiled. "Do you want to take a walk around the Pride Lands with me?"

"Of course!" Malka exclaimed. "I mean, I'd love to." Vashti laughed, causing Malka to get flustered. The two lions walked side by side out of the area, tails entwined.

They reached the end of the Pride Lands' southern border, which was covered in thick shrubbery. "I really like it over here." Vashti said, observing the place. "Even though it's a long walk, I don't mind."

"Yeah..." Malka said, gazing at Vashti. She looked at him in surprise, which caused Malka to nearly blush.

"Vashti, I really like being with you all the time. I know we've hardly known each other, but you're just such a wonderful lioness. I think you're so kind." Malka professed.

"But what about... my freckles?" Vashti asked, a visibly sad expression written on her face.

Malka looked at her with sympathy. "Your freckles don't make you look any less beautiful. They make you special. And I love you with or without them." He said.

Touched, Vashti looked up at the much taller lion, and smiled with admiration. She rubbed against Malka's fluffy black mane. "Thank you," she said kindly. Malka blushed, then looked at her and smiled. They began to snuggle together for some time before heading back to Simba's pride.

By the next day, Malka had decided he would finally go home - but couldn't leave yet without a certain someone.

He approached Vashti, who was grooming her paws at the base of Pride Rock. "Hi, Vashti." Malka smiled.

"Hello Malka." Vashti smiled. "The thing is, I'm going back to my home pride now..." Malka started, Vashti's expression instantly saddening. "...but I want you to come with me." "Really?" Vashti exclaimed happily. Malka nodded. Vashti bounded up to him and rubbed against him. "I'd love to come with you." Vashti smiled, as Malka nuzzled her.

Vashti bid farewell to her friend Nala, Simba, and the other lionesses. Malka's friends were glad to see him and Vashti had become mates, almost knowing they would end up together.

As Vashti settled into Malka's pride, she was soon loved by Malka's parents, and had established the role as one of the lead huntresses. Months later, her and Malka welcome a litter of cubs - Kondo, Afua, and one son named "Rogue" who was called so because he was embarrassed by his birth name. Vashti and Malka loved raising their cubs. As a sign of appreciation to Simba's pride, they often visited with Afua, while Kondo and Rogue stayed behind with their grandparents. Afua greatly enjoyed being at Simba's pride, and was soon great friends with Kopa, Simba and Nala's son.

However, after Kopa ran away from his parents, Afua became more serious and less playful. He also stopped visiting Simba's pride, clearly sad about his friend. His joyful nature came back years later, when Kopa returned and when Afua found a mate, Spotty.

As the years passed, Malka and Vashti maintained a loving marriage, always being kind to one another and kindly raising their children. They loved being together immensely, grateful to have found each other.

