The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Fababa is a male leopon. He is the mate of Kamaria, the father of Enene, the adopted father of Bakari and Ujana, and a member of the Tumaini Pride.

He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Fababa's pelt is tawny-golden, while his muzzle paws, and underbelly are paler in color. He has dark brown rosettes, and blue eyes.


Fababa is a loving and protective father. He is compassionate to all, and he is never angry.



Fababa was born to unknown parents in Leopon Plains, and was raised within the residence of the Tumaini Pride. As he grew, he learned to be a strong warrior, and always fought for what was right. He fell in love with Kamaria in his young adult years, and they soon became mates, having Enene together. One day, Kamaria brought back two orphaned baby leopons to the Tumaini Pride. Fababa fell in love with them immediately, and was overjoyed when Kamaria adopted them, watching as she named them [Bakari and Ujana. Fababa enjoys spending time with his children and teaching them the path of honor.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

A Celebration in the Pride Lands[]

Fababa attends the Kupatana celebration.

The Pride Lands Games[]

Fababa attends the Pride Lands Games.

Kion and Nguruma's Birthday[]

Fababa attends Kion and Nguruma's birthday celebration.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Fababa is one of the many animals gathered at the base of Pride Rock. Outside of Regandi and Merah's Cave, Fababa and Kamaria bid farewell to their children, with Fababa urging them to behave for Regandi and Merah.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Fababa is one of the few Tumaini Pride members to be settled outside the Tumaini Pride Den.


Trivia []

  • Fababa is voiced by Mathew Yang King.