Kosa: It had to rain, didn’t it?
Chuluun: And I'm worried about the rocks over the entrance. They could collapsing on us at any moment.
Makucha: If they do, we’ll be ready.
Chuluun: Any idea where Mama Binturong said she was going?
Makucha: She said she was going to find her porcupine. I don’t know, otherwise.
Kosa: Ok...
Above them, the rocks shook.
Chuluun: Uh oh...
Kosa: Let's go!
Chuluun, Kosa, and Makucha ran for the exit.
Chuluun: Phew. We got out.
Makucha: We did.
Chuluun: Don't tell me...
Kosa: Uh...guys...a little help here?
Chuluun: And we're going to help him how?
Makucha: We need to try ourselves. There's no way I'm getting help from the Night Pride without trying.
Chuluun: I wouldn't either.
Makucha and Chuluun do their best to get Kosa out of the cave.
Chuluun: And that didn't work.
Makucha: Does this mean?
Chuluun: Unless you have any other ideas?
Makucha: No, I don't...
Chuluun: I'll go.
Chuluun began making her way up the pass.
Ullu: I better warn Rani!
Rani: Ullu, what is it?
Ullu: I've spotted Chuluun making her way up the pass!
Rani: Let's check it out.
Kion: You need us?
Rani: Yes. If it's just Chuluun, it could be an ambush.
Chuluun runs into the Night Pride.
Rani: What do you want, Chuluun?
Chuluun: I...I was looking for help.
Kion: Help?
Chuluun: Kosa is trapped! We tried to get him out, but we couldn't.
Fuli: It is our job to defend the Tree of Life...
Rani: Alright. Lead the way.
The Night Pride follows Chuluun.
Kion: Hmm. Those are really heavy.
Baliyo: Yeah...they are.
Beshte: I think I could try.
Ono: Worth a try.
Beshte: Twende kiboko!
The rocks didn't move.
Beshte: Woah! Those are really heavy!
Fuli: Well...we could...no...I don't think that would work.
Kosa: So...no luck?
Kion: We're working on it.
Beshte: I don't know. Those rocks are heavy. Even I couldn't lift them.
Bunga: I know! Use the roar! Blast those rocks out.
Kion: And risk having them blast into the cave? I don't think so.
Bunga: Why? Then they'll blow in, and the--
Fuli: Kosa's in there!
Bunga: Oh.
Kion: Maybe if all the Night Pride tried to push the rocks.
Bunga: Yeah! That'll work!
Fuli: We can try.
Ono: It's worth a try.
Rani: We can try that.
Kion: Ok...ready, everyone?
Baliyo: Ready!
Kion: One...two...three...push!
Fuli: Is it...working?
Kion: I think so.
Beshte: Just keep pushing.
The rocks clattered and moved.
Kosa: It worked?
Chuluun: I...guess so.
Kosa: Oh good.
Kion: I guess our work here is done.
Rani: Let's go, Night Pride.
Bunga: See you next time! When we chase you away!
Fuli: Bunga!
Bunga: What?