The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Edan (more commonly known as Ed) is a adult male hyena who lives in the Outlands. He is the father of Cheezi and a member of Janja's Clan.

He is an antagonist in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Ed is a brown hyena with darker brown ears, black eyebrows, dark brown paws and spots, a pale brown stomach, a black tail, and crossed black eyes with yellow sclerae. His ears have notches in them (most likely due to a previous fight), and he has a long tongue hanging out of his mouth that has four warts, a feature unique to him.


Ed is not particularly intelligent, as he always takes things literally, does not understand figures of speech, and often rushes blindly into situations. He also does not understand personal space, as he will often get too close to Banzai while trying to be friendly. Of all the hyenas, Ed appears to have the strongest sense of humor. Despite his sense of humor and limited intelligence, Ed is still a vicious hunter and fighter. Ed is a loyal follower, and never questions orders from his clanmates or other authorities. Despite this, his friends have a tendency to ask for his opinion and treat him as an equal member of the clan rather than just a subordinate.



Ed was born to the Outlands, and at some point, became friends with Banzai and Shenzi. He supported the tyrannical lion Scar in his quest to overthrow his brother, Mufasa, as king, and caused the wildebeest stampede that killed him. Afterward, they chased Mufasa's son, Simba, out of the Pride Lands and inhabited Pride Rock, but grew dissatisfied with Scar's rule when all of the food and water sources in the Pride Lands went stagnant. When Simba returned, now as a grown adult, Scar backstabbed the hyenas in an effort to save himself; once he was thrown to the base of Pride Rock, Ed was the one that gave the final verdict on whether or not to kill Scar, laughing maniacally in support. Afterwards, the hyenas were again banished to the Outlands, and Ed sired his only son, Cheezi.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, he orders both hyena clans to conquer Chekundu Cliffs. They cross the border, which gets the attention of Zazu, and he tells Simba, who tells him to warn the Lion Guard. Upon finding out, Kion sends Bunga, Ono, and Anga to Chekundu Cliffs, but it soon becomes clear that they need help. Simba sends Mshale's Lion Guard to Chekundu Cliffs, and they charge into the battle.



  • Ed is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.