The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Dumaka is a male lion. He is a son of Esther and Xerxes, the brother of Mtoto, and a cousin of Simba.

Physical appearance[]

Dumaka is a male lion with creamy fur and a tan mane. He has red eyes, brown eyebrows, and a magenta nose. The rings around his eyes, as well as his muzzle, stomach and paws, are light cream.


Dumaka is more laid-back and shyer than his brother, but he is also friendly and kind towards those he knows best. Since his bad experience with Scar during the famine, Dumaka mostly shies away from strangers and prefers the company of his family. When he does open up, he is shown to be sweet and gentle, with concern for others and his family.


  • Dumaka means "A helping hand" in Swahili.
  • Him, his brother and father live just outside the Pride Lands.
    • They moved during Scar's reign, and stayed there because they knew Simba's pride would not need so many male lions.
  • Dumaka is a good hunter.
  • He was very close and clingy with his parents as a cub.