Dotty was an African lioness who resided at the Pridelands. She was a member of Simba’s Pride. She was also formerly from the Outlands and was a member of Meria’s Pride. She was the ex-mate of Damu and the mother of Shetani and Mbaya.
Dotty had pinkish brown fur, brown eyes and pink nose. Her muzzle, underbelly and paws were lighter in colour. Her ears were rimmed with black and she had chestnut brown flecks under her eyes. Her tail tuft was also chestnut brown. Her muzzle was medium sized and she had a lithe build.
As a mid aged lioness, Dotty was a caring mother to Shetani and Mbaya. However, she was slightly unintelligent, cold and cruel. She still respected King Mufasa and his pride, since they were the one who invited her pride into his pride during a terrible famine. However deep down she cares about Mufasa’s brother, Scar more and wanted him to be king. He was also the first lion that she met of Simba’s Pride. She believed only the strongest survive and she considered Mufasa weak, due to him respecting the Circle of Life, and respecting prey animals. She liked Scar’s ambition and power better.
As an elder, serving under King’s Simba’s rule, she became much colder and cruler. She heavily disliked Simba, due to her believing he killed Scar. She respected Scar as king and she didn’t care about the land around her becoming desolate. She also respected the hyenas, as she believed they weren’t all bad.
When Dotty was an adolescent, her pride, in the outlands suffered a great famine. She was skin and bones and starving to death. However the Lion Guard with Scar (known as Askari II back then), saved her and her pride from starvation. Taka said that he would ask his father, King Ahadi, if they can join his pride.
As a member of Simba’s Pride, she became friends with Mufasa. However after learning that he respects prey animals and the Circle of Life, their relationship started to fall apart. She thinks that hunting prey animals was a game and fun, and does not believe that lions should respect them. After King Ahadi’s death and Mufasa becoming the king, her relationship with Mufasa fell even farther.
After King Scar’s death and the rise of King Simba, she became much colder. After she completed the Circle of Life, her pride was banished from Simba’s Pride, after the assumed murder of Prince Kopa from Zira.
Mate: Damu
Granddaughters: Tazama, Kasi, Imara and Shabaha
Granddaughter in law: Zuri
Half sister in law: Zira
Mother in law: Meria
Father in law: Jino
Grandmother in law: Mila
Grandfather in law: Radhi
-Her name is a slang which means “Slightly mad.”
-Her name also means “Composed of dots.”