The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Domog was a wise elderly red panda who resided at Bamboo Mountain. He was formerly the leader of his group. His mate was unknown. He is a Great Animal of the Past. He is the father of Dughi (the current leader) and Bogino.


Domog had reddish brown fur, yellow eyes and pink nose. He had dark red markings and a white facial mask. His neck was covered in white fur. His ears were pink and were rimmed with white. He also had a white and reddish brown stripy tail.


As elder of the red pandas, he was the keeper of legends. He is shown to be very encouraging, kind and wise to his pack of red pandas. Unknown if this is true, since he wasn’t aware of the Lion Guard though it’s possible, because the only known stories he knows that are close to his home not far from the pride lands. He seems likely to be the leader of his kind since they were forced to live together but thanks to Bunga they stay together to be stronger in numbers. He knew a lot about wisdom and old legends and is always happy to share them with someone.


Son: Dughi

Daughter: Bogino

Daughter in law: Divya

Son in law: Agni


-His name means “Legends” in Mongolian.
