The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Dogo is a male jackal. He is the son of Reirei and Goigoi, the brother of Kijana, Bila, Chaka, and Checka, and a member of Reirei's Pack.

He is an antagonist in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Dogo is small and slight with a light brown pelt and a tan muzzle, paws, chest, and underbelly. A thick black stripe runs down his back, ending in a short tuft on his head, and his tail is tipped with black. He stands out from the rest of his siblings by his blue eyes and the spots on his shoulders.


Although cherubic at first glance, Dogo is a scheming jackal who is fully capable of performing acts against the Circle of Life. Dogo enjoys pleasing his mother, Reirei. He appears to have taken after her when it comes to feigning pleasantness, and is quite proud of doing so. He is able to conjure up lies quickly and on the spot, manipulating all those around him when necessary. Despite the trust he has for his mother, he does show concern when she is adamant that they'll be eating, questioning her confidence. He is a very obedient and loyal son, who stands up for his mother even when she is wrong.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Story of Mbweha and Reirei[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, he assigns Reirei's Pack and Kiburi's Float to take over Mizimu Grove. Their crossing of the border gets the attention of Zazu, who tells Simba, and he says that the Lion Guard needs to be informed. When Kion is told by Zazu, he orders Fuli and Beshte to take care of the jackals and crocodiles. However, it becomes clear that the two are overwhelmed there, and Zazu informs Simba. Concerned, he instructs Jivin, Rani, and Baliyo to help them. Dogo launches himself at Rani, but Fuli knocks him away and kicks him into an acacia tree.

Shortly after, Reirei's Pack confronts Kion, Ono, Mhina, and his siblings at Chakula Plains. Dogo lunges at Mhina, but the leopon rams him into an acacia tree using his head. Eventually, the jackals are blinded by Azaad and Fuli's wake, and with them distracted, everyone rushes to Pride Rock.



  • Dogo is voiced by Jacob Guenther.